
  1. 下辽河平原大豆田CO2和N2O排放通量及相关影响因素研究

    CO_2 and N_2O Emission Fluxes and Impact Factors of Soybean Field in Lower Reaches of Liaohe Plain

  2. 基于DRASTIC模型的下辽河平原地下水环境脆弱性评价体系

    Study on the Assessment System of the Groundwater Environment Vulnerability in Lower Liaohe River Plain Based on DRASTIC Model

  3. 下辽河平原地下水多年动态变化特征分析

    Analysis on the multi-year variations of groundwater in lower Liaohe Plain

  4. 西辽河平原环境地质问题与可持续发展

    The environmental geological problems and sustainable development in West Liaohe Plain

  5. 下辽河平原地下水脆弱性研究

    Research on the Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of the Lower Liaohe River Plain

  6. 辽河平原土壤退化及防治与修复技术

    Soil Degradation in Liaohe Plain and Methods of Its Prevention and Restoration

  7. 辽河平原区:本区共有革螨20种。

    Liao-River plain : There are 20 species of gamasides in the region .

  8. 下辽河平原的发育过程

    The development of the lower Liaohe River Plain

  9. 下辽河平原稻田非生长季碳排放观测研究

    Carbon fluxes from a non-cropping paddy field in the Lower Reaches of Liaohe Plain

  10. 基于复合权重-GIS的下辽河平原地下水脆弱性评价

    Groundwater vulnerability assessment in Lower Liaohe River Plain based on GIS Model with Co-Weights

  11. 下辽河平原水肥交互作用及对玉米产量的影响

    Effects of water and nutrient interaction on maize yields in lower reach of Liaohe River Plain

  12. 辽河平原区地面水与地下水联合运用的研究

    Studies on Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Ground Water in the Middle Part of Liaoning Province

  13. 翁牛特旗&库伦旗一带为西辽河平原周边的严重缺水区。

    Circumjacent area of west Liaohe River campagna from Wongniuteqi to Kulunqi is Short of Water Seriously .

  14. 下辽河平原南部明化镇组含水层咸水体运移规律

    Movement of saline water in the aquifer of the Minghuazhen group in southern Liaohe lower river plain

  15. 辽宁省辽河平原稻区不同产地稻米品质差异比较研究

    Studies on Differences in Rice Qualities from Different Producing Areas in Liaohe Plain Region of Liaoning Province

  16. 辽河平原水田灌区灌溉水源的优化开发与应用研究

    Optimal Development and Utilization of Irrigation Water Resources in the Paddy Field Irrigation Area of the Liaohe Plain

  17. 内蒙古西辽河平原麦后复种饲料作物研究

    Study on Sequential Cropping Forage Crops after Wheat in the Plain of the West-Liao River in Inner Mongolia

  18. 下辽河平原潮棕壤稻田的无机态氮淋溶

    Inorganic Nitrogen Leaching from Meadow Brown Rice Field on Lower Liaohe River Plain as Affected by Chemical N Fertilization

  19. 辽宁省下辽河平原东部隐伏岩溶发育规律及水文地质意义

    Concealed karst development in eastern part of lower Liaohe River plain , liaoning province , and its hydrogeological significance

  20. 下辽河平原潮棕壤不同粒级碳和氮分布研究

    Distribution of C and N in different particle fractions of meadow brown soil in lower reach of Liaohe River Plain

  21. 施磷对下辽河平原稻田土壤溶液可溶性磷动态变化的影响

    Effects of Fertilization on the Changes of Dissolved Phosphorus Contents in Paddy Soil Solution in Lower Reach of Liaohe River Plain

  22. 以下辽河平原为背景,以多熟种植农业生态模式为研究对象,描述了多熟种植农业生态模式在下辽河平原的实践,应用农业生态学原理,提出了多熟种植农业生态模式专家系统设计思想;

    In this paper the practice of agroecological patterns of multiple cropping in the Lower Reaches of Liaohe Plain is described .

  23. 下辽河平原不同磷肥用量对作物产量及潜在养分的影响

    Effects of different phosphorous fertilization rate on crop yield and soil phosphorous potential fertility at lower reaches of Liaohe River Plain

  24. 下辽河平原和辽东半岛海岸带晚更新世以来的海侵

    A study of the transgression process since late Pleistocene on the coast zone of lower Liaohe River Plain and the Liaodong Peninsula

  25. 下辽河平原单季稻田主要温室气体排放及驱动机制

    Emission and Affecting Factors of Major Greenhouse Gases ( GHGs ) from Single-Season Paddy Field in the Lower Reaches of Liaohe Plain

  26. 农田生态系统田间结构的优化配置&以辽河平原中部地区米麦间套作为例

    Optimal allocation of field structure in farmland ecosystem & a case study on Relay Intercropping of maize and wheat in the middle Liaohe Plain

  27. 辽宁省盘锦市辖区内的下辽河平原储藏了丰富的第四纪卤水资源,开采潜力巨大,有必要对其进行特征分析和资源评价。

    The Lower Liaohe River Plain , in Panjin city Liaoning province , has plenty of Quaternary brine resources , with the huge exploitation potential .

  28. 调查结果表明,辽河平原土壤中铬的含量呈正态分布;其算术平均值为52.1ppm,含量范围在25.6&101.6ppm之间。

    The investigating results show that the normal distribution of chromium in soils is obeyed , which is in the range from 25.6 to 101.6 ppm .

  29. 因此,西辽河平原种植芦笋在春季采笋期间设立风障、小拱棚等保护性设施是提高绿芦笋产量和质量的有效途径。

    Building windbreak or small shed mulching with plastic film during the harvest season was an effective way to improve the yield and quality of green asparagus spears in the West Liaohe Plain .

  30. 通过5年的田间定位试验,研究辽河平原土壤磷钾的自然释放速度和不同施肥制度下的肥料效应以及建立宏大养分库的过程。

    Mid-and long-term experiment was designed to study the release rate of soil P , K and fertilizer effects under different fertilization systems at Liaohe Plain , and the process of building macro nutrients pool .