
  • 网络qidan;Khitan
  1. “女真”直到五代时期(907——960)才出现在历史记录里,那时它受契丹族的控制。

    The name " Nuzhen " did not appear in historical records until the Five Dynasties Period ( 907 - 960 ) when it was under the control of the Khitan .

  2. 后梁贞明二年(916),契丹族首领耶律阿保机凭借强大的军事力量,击败了的剌葛、迭剌等人,在龙化州称天皇帝,国号契丹。

    In the 2nd year of Zhenming of the Later Liang ( 916 ) , Yelu Abaoji , the chief of the Khitan Tartars , declared himself emperor and named his state Khitan , after having defeated other tribes like Cige and Died .

  3. 还有这人首鱼龙壶是契丹族的。

    And this human-head fish-dragon pot belonged to Qidan people .

  4. 大连是契丹族曾生活的地方。

    Dalian is the Khitan tribe who live .

  5. 辽的兴起和发展:契丹族是中国古代北方地区的一个游牧民族,以放牧、打猎为生。

    The Rising and Development of Liao : The Khitan Tartars were an old normadic nationality from the northern China .

  6. 历史文献上有关契丹族的确实记载,始于北魏登国四年(389)。

    They were first mentioned in historical records dating from the 4th year of Dengguo ( 389 ) in the Northern Wei period .

  7. 在五代十国的后晋时期,曾把北方的燕云十六州割与契丹族所建立的辽国。

    The later Jin of the Five Dynasties and Ten States cec % l the sixteen cities of Youyun to Liao of Qidan .

  8. 辽王朝统治时期,辽宁境内出现了民族杂居的局面,既有汉族,又有契丹族和奚族,还有渤海族和女真族。

    In Liao Dynasty , there were several nations living together , such as : Han , Qidan , Xi , Bohai and Nvzhen .

  9. 本文对内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城县山嘴子辽代墓地出土的古代契丹族颅骨的人类学特征进行了研究。

    The skulls of Qidan nationality studied in this paper were excavated from the Liao dynasty tombs in Shanzuizi site , Ningcheng County , Inner Mongolia .

  10. 以渔猎为基本生产方式的是居住在潢河(西拉木仑河)、土河之间的契丹族以及东北部女真族等。

    The fishing-hunting zone covered the Khitan Tartars9 area between the Huang River ( Xar Moron ) and Tuhe rivers , and the Nuzhen peopled area in the northeast and so on .

  11. 由于史料不足,以至契丹族的创名,古籍中异说并存,成为辽史研究的纷歧问题。

    The lack of history recording led to different opinions in ancient books about name foundation of Qidan nationality , which has become a controversial problem for the research of the history of Liao .

  12. 辽国是中国历史上以契丹族为主体建立的王朝,都城上京临潢府(今内蒙古巴林左旗南),其创建者为耶律阿保机(汉名亿)。

    Liao was a regime dominated by the Khitan . Its capital was Linhuangfu in Shangjing ( south of present-day Bairin Left Banner in Inner Mongolia ) , and its founder was a man called Yelu Abaoji ( the Han name was Yi ) .