
  • 网络contracting out;contract out;contractual outsourcing
  1. 业务体系结构将说明采用功能和契约外包的业务策略的合理性。

    The business architecture will state what is reasonable for the business strategy with its sourced capabilities and contracts .

  2. 如何处理这一剩余,是物流契约(物流外包)中的重要问题,并会导致相应交易费用的产生。

    How to arrange the surplus is an important thing , which can give birth to corresponding transaction cost .

  3. 研究发现三组雇用人员各构面护理品质表现均以编制内最佳,其次是契约人员,外包人员品质最低。

    The worst care quality was delivered by outsourced nurses employed by agency companies contracted to the public hospital .

  4. 相对技术密集的直接投资属于制度依赖型国际生产,而相对劳动密集的契约生产(外包)属于成本敏感型国际生产。

    FDI being relatively technology-intensive is dependent on institution , while outsourcing being relatively labor-intensive is sensitive to production costs .

  5. 基于心理契约关系的IT外包项目控制模式建构:多案例研究

    Control in Outsourced IT Projects Based on Psychological Contract : A Multiple Case Study