
shuānɡ wù hé tonɡ
  • bilateral contract;reciprocal contract;mutual contract
  1. 双务合同抗辩权体系之构建

    The Establishment of the Defense System in the Performance of Bilateral Contract

  2. 和解合同不必定为双务合同;

    A compromise contract is unnecessarily a bilateral contract ;

  3. 我国双务合同中标的物风险负担

    Risk burden of the object in double business contract in China

  4. 行使双务合同履行抗辩权时应注意的几个问题

    Several Noticeable Problems in Exercising Implementation of Right to Plea for Reciprocal Contract

  5. 刍议双务合同在先履行方利益保护机制

    Discussion on Bilateral Contract 's Interests the Protection Mechanism of on the Side of Earlier Performing Party

  6. 它是有偿、双务合同,多表现为格式合同形式。

    It is paid double for the contract , multi-format for the performance of the contract forms .

  7. 双务合同履行中的抗辨权制度各国立法中均有规定。

    The demurrer system in the contract fulfilling has been stipulated in the laws of all the countries .

  8. 彩票合同的主体是彩票发行机构与彩票购买人,彩票合同属于民事合同、有偿合同、诺成合同、双务合同、定型化合同、射幸合同和最大诚信合同。

    The two parties of lottery contract are the distributor of lottery tickets and the buyer of lottery tickets .

  9. 双务合同履行中抗辩权制度的研究

    Study of the Right of Pleading Institution in Performing a Bilateral Contract On the Prevailing Administrative Commonweal Pleading System of China

  10. 浅谈双务合同履行中的抗辩权合同法和侵权法的边界&加害给付:合同责任?侵权责任?

    A Difference Between Contract Law and Tort Law & Injurious Fulfillment : Within the Ambit of Contract Liabilities or Tort Liabilities ?

  11. 移动电信服务合同是双务合同,可以从义务的角度分析合同双方当事人的权利义务和典型的违约行为及其责任。

    Mobile telecom service contracts are bilateral contracts , where the parties ' obligations can be divided into main obligations and collateral obligations .

  12. 破产程序中如何对待未履行或未完全履行的双务合同是破产程序的重要问题。

    The treatment to the bilateral contract with failure of performance or incomplete performance is an important issue during during the bankruptcy procedures .

  13. 法学中的交易表现为以双务合同为典型形态的合法权益的交换,它相当于经济学中买卖的交易。

    " Transaction " in law means typically the shifting of legal property and interest based on contract , and is equal to the buy related transaction in economics .

  14. 双务合同履行抗辩权制度,作为双务合同履行中的重要制度,对于平衡双方当事人利益,维护交易秩序具有重要意义。

    Exercising implementation of right to plea for reciprocal contract is an important institution in implementation of reciprocal contract , which is of great significance to balance interests of the two parties and trade order .

  15. 默示预期违约是英美法系的特有制度,大陆法系各国民法典一般只规定不安抗辩权,它是作为双务合同的特殊效力规定于合同的效力部分。

    Implied anticipatory breach of contract is a special form of breach of contract which only exists in common law system , meanwhile the countries with traditions of continental law have adopted precarious right to defense instead of implied anticipatory breach of contract .

  16. 不安抗辩权是双务有偿合同中先履行义务一方当事人所享有的一项自我补救权利,它在许多大陆法国家的民法或债务法中均有体现。

    The right of defense is the remedial privilege enjoyed by the party who is to initiate the fulfillment of a contract .

  17. 邮政合同的性质是民事合同,一般来说其带有要式合同,双务有偿合同和涉他合同的特征。

    Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract , onerous contract , bilateral contract and related to the third party .