
shè wài hé tonɡ
  • Foreign related contracts;foreign contract;contract with a foreign element
  1. 浅谈涉外合同法律适用的几个问题

    Studies on the Applicable Problems of the Foreign Contract Law

  2. 我国涉外合同的法律适用及完善

    On Application and Perfection of the Law on Foreign Contract

  3. “最密切联系原则”是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

    " The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .

  4. 涉外合同之债法律适用的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of Law Application of Contract Relating to Foreign Factors

  5. 涉外合同法律适用若干问题探讨

    Several Issues Related to the Legal Application of Contract Involving Foreign Interests

  6. 国际消费者保护法及其涉外合同的研究

    Legal Research of International Consumer Protection Law and the International Consumer Contract

  7. 意思自治原则确定涉外合同准据法比较研究

    Comparative Research on Choosing Laws Applicable to foreign Contracts by Autonomy of Will

  8. 论涉外合同准据法的确定

    On Determination Of Applicable Law In International Contract

  9. 但目前电力企业在涉外合同的管理中还存在不少问题。

    However , many problems still exist in foreign contract management of power enterprises .

  10. 涉外合同法律适用中保护弱者原则的研究

    On the Principle of Protecting the Weak in the Application of Law Concerning Foreign Contracts

  11. 关于涉外合同的法律适用,各国的理论和实践存在各种不同的观点。在我国,应采用分割法来确定合同各个不同方面的准据法;

    Theories and views on the applicability of Foreign Contract Law vary from country to country .

  12. 随着国际民商事交往的发展,这一原则在涉外合同法律适用中有了新的发展。

    With the development of international associations , the application of the principle to foreign contract law has developed .

  13. 涉外合同的当事人可以根据仲裁协议向中国仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    Parties to a foreign related contract may apply to a Chinese arbitration institution or another arbitration institution for arbitration .

  14. 意思自治原则已成为世界各国确定涉外合同准据法的首要原则。

    Autonomy of will has become the most important principle every country in the world follows in making its foreign contract proper law .

  15. 论我国涉外合同的法律适用原则&兼谈《合同法》第126条的适用

    On the Principle of Legal Application of our Country 's Contract Concerning Foreign Interests ── Also on the Application of No. 126 of contract Law

  16. 当事人意思自治原则作为涉外合同适用的首要原则,向来是国际私法理论研究的重点内容。

    As the chief principle used in foreign contacts , the principle of party autonomy has always been the key content in theoretical study of the International Private Law .

  17. 在涉外合同法律适用日益完善的今天,有必要对法律选择协议加以研究。

    This paper discusses the origins , forms , characteristics , formation and validation of choosing laws in the foreign-concerned contracts , and its possible conflicts with other laws .

  18. 《公约》第95条所允许的保留产生于原社会主义国家的提议,主要目的在于防止这些国家国内法中的涉外合同法规被《公约》排除。

    The reasons for the reservation according to article 95 arise from the proposal of the original socialist states in order to prevent the foreign related contract regulations in these inland laws from being excluded .

  19. 意思自治原则已经成为各国涉外合同适用法律的首要原则,但各国对合同当事人选择法律的时间规定并不完全一样。

    The principle of " meaning autonomy " has been the primary law principle in dealing with foreign contracts , but different countries have had different regulations for the time when the client chooses the law .

  20. 最密切联系原则作为涉外合同法律选择的基本指导思想,已经在世界各国的法律规定和司法实践中得到充分体现。

    It has been reflected in the legal regulations and legal practice all over the world that the most closest connect doctrine provides the basic guide in the choice-of-law legislation in the field of foreign contract .

  21. 意思自治原则是私法最重要的原则之一,其在国际私法中典型的反映便是在涉外合同领域,当事人有选择合同准据法的自由。

    The rule of autonomy of will is one of important principle of private law . It 's reflection in international private law that client has right to choose applicable law of contract in involving foreign affair .

  22. 在如何确定涉外合同准据法的问题上,当今世界各国均将意思自治原则作为确定涉外合同准据法的首要原则,即由合同的双方当事人共同选择适用于合同的准据法。

    As far as how to determine the applicable law in international contract is concerned , currently the international view is regarding " doctrine of autonomy of will " as the primary principle to determine the applicable law .

  23. 文章通过对中外涉外合同法律适用制度的比较分析,探讨了我国涉外合同法律适用制度的先进与不足,并提出了一些改进建议。

    With compare between the application system of laws in contracts concerning foreign affairs in China and foreign countries , the thesis discusses the advance and defect of China 's system and suggests some ways for its improvement .

  24. 提出了制定我国涉外合同冲突规范的立法建议,就如何进一步完善我国有关涉外合同法律适用提出了许多见解。

    The author thinks it is necessary to make changes according to the situation of our country and then put forward legislative suggestions for the conflict norms of the foreign-related contracts and many ideas on how to perfect choice of the contract law in our country .

  25. 译文准确对涉外经贸合同具有特殊的意义。

    Accuracy is vital for a foreign economic and trade contract .

  26. 涉外修船合同中的收汇风险和防范措施

    Risk for foreign-exchange collection and guarding measures in contract for repairing foreign ships

  27. 涉外经济合同英译的重复法

    Repetition Method of CE Translation of Foreign Economic Contract

  28. 目前在我国日益增多的涉外劳动合同纠纷中,法律适用问题成为人们关注的焦点。

    Application of law becomes an important issue with the increasing labor disputes .

  29. 关于涉外保险合同的法律适用的思考。

    Choice of law rules for international insurance contract .

  30. 论涉外经济合同中的法律选择

    Law Selection in Making International Business Contract