
shū miàn hé tonɡ
  • written contract;contract in writing;literal contract
  1. 他们坚持在这天结束之前得到一份书面合同。

    They insisted that they get a contract in writing by the end of the day .

  2. 没有订立书面合同或者合同中未明确约定为专有许可的,被许可行使的权利应当视为非专有权利。

    In the absence of such a contract in writing or an explicit stipulation on exclusive license in the contract , the right so licensed to exercise shall be considered as the non-exclusive right .

  3. 我简直不能相信,你居然没有一份书面合同。

    I can 't believe you didn 't have a written contract !

  4. 口头协议比不上书面合同那张纸。

    Verbal agreemtns aren 't worth the paper they 're written on .

  5. 补救方法之一是要求雇主签订书面合同。

    One remedy is to require the employer to execute the written contract .

  6. 单元测试定义一个有关每个单元的行为的书面合同。

    Unit testing defines a written contract about the behavior of each unit .

  7. 1.事先把支付条款写入书面合同

    Include payment terms in a written contract up front

  8. 网上格式合同是一种特殊的书面合同;

    A format contract on the net is a specially written form contract .

  9. 制造商间的协议应以书面合同的形式作为凭证。

    The agreement between the manufacturers should be documented in a written contract .

  10. 如果书面合同有了明确规定,那就必须遵守那些条款。

    If the written contract specifies it , those conditions must be complied with .

  11. 书面合同或保险证书。

    Written contract or certificate of insurance .

  12. 后一个并行合同可以通过与主书面合同有关的外在证据得以证实。

    This collateral contract can be proved by evidence extrinsic to the main written contract .

  13. 同时,本罪的合同在一般情况下是书面合同,但也不排除口头合同。

    Meanwhile , this contract is ordinary written contract , but also includes the spoken contract .

  14. 电子合同不能等同于书面合同一般并不影响其有效性,但影响其证据地位。

    This rule can 't effect electronic contracts ' validity , but can effect their evidence status .

  15. 民用航空器所有权的转让,应当签订书面合同。

    The transference of the ownership of a civil aircraft shall be made by a contract in writing .

  16. 与将集装箱从工厂运至港口的运输商之间是否签订了书面合同?

    Is there a written contract with the transporter that moves containers from the factory to the port ?

  17. 本研究认为在完善龙头企业与农户签订的书面合同的同时,还必须深入了解合作双方认为是心领神会的心理契约内容。

    This research suggests the content of for deeply cooperation when perfect the written contract between and farmers .

  18. 如果他同意,让他立刻签署书面合同,写清各项条款。

    If he agrees , make him sign a written contract at once that spells out the terms .

  19. 有关本光盘中资料的发行,必须先得到立信门富士公司的书面合同方可。

    Any distribution of the information on this CD-ROM is subject to a written contract with Monforts Fong 's.

  20. 审查邀约,从中选择潜在卖方,并与之进行书面合同的谈判。

    Select Sellers-reviewing offers , choosing from among potential sellers , and negotiating a written contract with a seller .

  21. “虽然我们和罗格没有书面合同,但我们有一个私下的共识。”袁写道。

    " Although we didn 't have a written contract with Rogge we had a private understanding ," Yuan writes .

  22. 《新劳动合同法》规定,为保护劳动者的合法权益,企业必须与劳动者签订书面合同,并鼓励签订无固定期限合同。

    The labor law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers .

  23. 然后我一条一条地读了他们的书面合同,确信没有从口头协议中漏掉什么。

    I read their written contracts , clause by clause ; to be sure nothing had been omitted from the oral agreement .

  24. 依照1998年和2002年通过的农村土地管理法,村必须为农民提供书面合同,确认他们的土地使用权。

    Rural land management laws passed in1998 and2002 also required villages to provide farmers with written contracts certifying their land use rights .

  25. 在这些文化中,书面合同很短,主要用来描述商业伙伴各自的责任。

    In these cultures , the written contract is very short , which made used of describing their respective responsibilities of partner ;

  26. 书面合同赋予某地产代理商在一个指定的时段获得物业的独家销售权。

    A written contract that gives one real estate agent the exclusive right to sell a property in a specified time period .

  27. 口头证据规则仅阻止当事人以外在证据对抗书面合同的明示条款。

    The parol evidence rule only prevents a party from relying on extrinsic evidence as to the express terms of a written contract .

  28. 软件权利的转让应当根据我国有关法规以签订、执行书面合同的方式进行。

    Authorization to transfer copyright should be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations of China under a signed and executed written contract .

  29. 即在订立书面合同的基础上,以立法形式明确界定应收账款质押客体内涵和外延等合同内容,阻却因法律规定不明而产生的纠纷。

    It should clearly define the object connotation of the pledge of accounts receivable and extension by the form of legislation to prevent disputes .

  30. 口头证据规则仅适应于在书面合同履行之前或履行之时作出的陈述。

    The parol evidence rule only applies to evidence of statements made before or at the time of the execution of the written contract .