
  1. 该局区分了两类书面咨询意见:未发表的“私人信件规定”&通常由分支办公室发布;

    The Service distinguishes between two categories of written advice : unpublished " private letter rulings ," which are issued by branch offices ;

  2. 被正式邀请参加咨询的设计单位在收到咨询邀请函后,如确认参加咨询,应传真递交书面参加咨询确认函。

    If designer confirm to participate in the consultation activity upon letter of invitation is received , the designer shall fax a confirmation sheet .

  3. 延误的通知及其原因应以书面形式向咨询者提供。

    Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party .