
  • 网络Appraisal Consulting
  1. 连续多年被江苏省评估咨询公司评为资信AAA级企业。

    Appraised as Credit Grade AAA Enterprise by Assessment and Consultation Company of Jiangsu Province for many continuous years .

  2. 企业评估咨询系统EEIS的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of enterprise evalution inquire systems

  3. 无形资产评估咨询系统的开发

    Development of the Consultative System for Evaluating Intangible Assets

  4. 睡眠评估咨询服务中心主任克里斯伊济科夫斯基教授归纳出六种常见的睡眠姿势和它们的含义。他还是英国南部萨里大学的客座教授。

    Professor Chris idzikowski , director of the sleep assessment and advisory service and a visiting professor at the University of Surrey in southern england , has identified six common sleep positions and what they mean .

  5. 本文介绍一个用超文本技术开发的无形资产评估咨询系统,它能方便地为用户提供有关无形资产的基本概念、法律条文的咨询、疑难问题的解答、以及各类无形资产的评估方法。

    A consultative system for evaluation of intangible assets based on the hypertext technology is introduced . It can easily provide user with basic concept of intangible assets , consultation of law , answer of difficult question , and evaluation method for a variety of intangible assets .

  6. 我负责官员的评估和咨询。

    I 'm responsible for officer evaluation and counseling .

  7. 最后,还起草了关于机身增压边界结构修理评估的咨询通告和执行程序。

    At last , a advisory circular about fuselage pressured boundary structure repair assessment is compiled .

  8. 这包括:课程设计和实施、教材的编写,学生的评估和咨询。

    This includes : curriculum design and implementation , development of materials , evaluation and counselling of students .

  9. 工程项目可行性研究、项目评估等咨询;轻工、纺织、化纤、造纸、日化等行业的信息、技术、决策咨询。

    Information , technique and decision-making consulting in industries of light industry , weaving , chemical fiber , paper making and daily chemical .

  10. 我们对病人进行初步随机对照实验以评估膳食咨询的影响。

    " This is one of the first randomized controlled trials to evaluate the specific impact of dietary counseling on outcome in any patient group ," Dr.

  11. 学生毕业后能够在企事业单位及政府部门从事会计、审计和管理工作,在会计师事务所从事审计、评估和咨询等业务。

    Students can deal with the relevant business in enterprises , institutions , governmental sections as well as various CPA business affairs such as auditing , evaluation and consultation .

  12. 构建的评估指标咨询了包括军队医院管理、卫生勤务学、急救医学和应急管理等领域的16名专家。

    And we have consulted 16 experts in the field of military administration , medical service , emergency medicine and crisis administration with the index of the system via mails and interviews .

  13. 在此结论的基础上,总结出了资产评估价值咨询功能的两条重大经济学意义,即资产评估价值咨询功能的产生节约了交易费用;资产评估价值咨询功能的产生提高了资源配置的效率。

    On the base of this conclusion , this paper generalizes two important economics meanings of value consultation of assets appraisal : value consultation of assets appraisal saves transaction expense and value consultation of assets appraisal advances efficiency of resource allocation .

  14. 仅荷兰央行就有5家公司协助其进行全面评估,包括咨询公司BlackRockSolutions以及会计事务所毕马威(KPMG)。

    The Dutch central bank alone has five companies helping it with the comprehensive assessment , including BlackRock Solutions , a consultancy , and KPMG , an accountancy firm .

  15. 高校图书馆的网上信息搜索评估与参考咨询小组

    Network Information Searching Evaluation and Consultion Groups in Libraries of Colleges and Universities

  16. 目的介绍心理评估在心理咨询中的应用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of psychological assessment in the psychological consultation .

  17. 他和他的团队用了整整五个月的时间来评估市场、咨询专家。

    He and his partners spent five months assessing the market and consulting experts .

  18. 浙江省主要优势农产品安全状况评估及管理咨询系统研制

    Evaluation of Main Farm Produce Safety and Its Management System in Zhejiang Province , China

  19. 结果显示了心理评估在心理咨询中的重要作用。

    Results There was a very important role of the psychological assessment in psychological consultation .

  20. 这些人才将来可成为项目评估师、咨询专家、项目经理、计划经理等。

    They could work as project evaluator , consultant , project manager and planning manager , etc.

  21. 网络信息资源的评估&参考咨询馆员的新使命

    Evaluation of Network Information Resources & the New Task which Network Era has Entrusted to the Reference Librarian

  22. 重新开办的课程致力于团队协作和团队评估,用咨询项目代替答辩,用基于挑战的活动代替论文。

    The relaunched programme focuses on delivering group working and group assessment , with a consulting project replacing the dissertation and challenge-based activities replacing essay formats .

  23. 其目的是为学生的学业评估和发展咨询、学校和政府的教育决策以及临床科研提供有效的测评工具,为进一步研究奠定基础。

    The purpose of this study is to provide an effective measurement for the ability and developmental consultation of the students , the education decision of schools and government , and the foundation for further studying .

  24. 结果表明,孕前保健具有较好的效益和效果,孕前保健包括风险评估、孕前咨询与健康促进、知情选择与医学干预,但涉及的大部分技术均来自专家建议,缺乏系统的文献评价。

    The outcome showed that preconception care was a cost-effective and cost-benefit program , which includes risking assessment , consultation and health promotion , informed choice and medical intervention . But most technologies available to preconception care were from advices of expert panel .

  25. 研究生信息管理系统中的心理素质评估、监控及咨询系统

    Design and realized of evaluating system on psychology diathesis

  26. 房地产中介行业包括房地产价格评估、房地产咨询和房地产代理。

    Real estate agencies include real estate appraisal , real estate consulting and real estate agent .

  27. 在知己知彼后,企业应进行详细的评估,与管理咨询公司进行互动、形成良好的合作,案例分析中提出了相关的建议。

    Thirdly , the Case Analysis looks through the ways for an enterprise to well interact and cooperate with its ERP supplier .

  28. 房地产估价,工程项目评估,工程造价咨询,工程预结算编制与审核,工程建设监理。

    Estimation of real estate , appraisal of project , consultation of engineering cost , engineering budgeting and examination and construction supervision .