
  1. 所有评标报告都应按银行提供的格式附上一份采购摘要。

    All evaluation reports shall be accompanied with a summary of the procurement on a form provided by the Bank .

  2. 招标人根据评标委员会提出的书面评标报告和推荐的中标候选人确定中标人。

    The tenderer shall , pursuant to the written report on bid assessment given by the bid assessment committee , determine the winning bidder from among the candidate winning bidders recommended by the bid assessment committee .

  3. 评标委员会完成评标后,应当向招标人提出书面评标报告,并推荐合格的中标候选人。

    After finishing the assessment , the bid assessment committee shall give a written report thereon to the tenderer and recommend the qualified candidate winning bidders .