
  • 网络potential bidder
  1. 《招标投标法》规定了多项保密事项,其中潜在投标人保密问题在实践中未被重视。

    There is confidential in Bidding and Tendering Law , among which the potential bidding person is ignored in practice .

  2. 招标文件不得要求或者标明特定的生产供应者以及含有倾向或者排斥潜在投标人的其他内容。

    No tender document may require or specify any specified producer or supplier or contain any other contents favoring or excluding intended bidders .

  3. 招标人不得以不合理的条件限制或者排斥潜在投标人,不得对潜在投标人实行歧视待遇。

    A tenderer may not restrict or exclude any intended bidder with unreasonable requirements and may not apply discrimination treatment to any intended bidder .

  4. 第二十一条招标人根据招标项目的具体情况,可以组织潜在投标人踏勘项目现场。

    Atenderer may , in accordance with the actual conditions of a project subject to tender , organize intended bidders to inspect and survey the site of the project .

  5. 招标人不得向他人透露已获取招标文件的潜在投标人的名称、数量以及可能影响公平竞争的有关招标投标的其他情况。

    A tenderer may not disclose to another person the names and number of intended bidders already acquired his tender documents or other information that might affect fair competition related to tender and bid activities .

  6. 他拒绝签署所有潜在投标人都被要求签署的保密协定,直到8月底正式退出竞购时,他一直未向利物浦提出过真正的出价。

    He refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement required of all potential bidders and by the time he formally removed himself from the process in late August he had still never submitted an actual offer for the club .

  7. 本文在简要介绍通用的资格预审方法的基础上,结合分析资格预审指标的特点,引入了一种基于模糊集基本理论的新的评审方法,采用承包商资格预审等级指数来表示潜在投标人的综合能力。

    On the basis of the information of usually used prequalification methods and the analysis of the characteristics of contractor prequalification indexes , this paper introduces a new fuzzy sets theory based evaluation method and uses contractor prequalification index to express contractor 's comprehensive ability .

  8. 借款人应为潜在的投标人合理地进入项目现场参观提供方便。

    Borrowers shall provide reasonable access to project sites for visits by prospective bidders .