
  • 网络Potential competitors;Latent Competitor
  1. 为何Facebook会关注包括其潜在竞争对手在内的其他公司的私有云配置?

    Why does Facebook care about private cloud deployments at other companies , including potential competitors ?

  2. 你的潜在竞争对手有哪些?

    Who are your potential competitors ?

  3. 欧盟委员会官员表示,他们担心ibm可能利用了反竞争策略,将潜在竞争对手排除在市场之外。

    Officials said they were concerned IBM might have used anti-competitive tactics to keep potential competitors out of this market .

  4. 而且,Facebook的潜在竞争对手并不仅仅局限于大型社交网站范畴,任何快速发展的互联网公司都可能成为威胁。

    The potential for competition isn 't limited to large social properties & any fast growing web property poses a threat .

  5. 立足BF公司实际,通过对我国的政治经济形势、化妆品行业环境等外部环境的认真剖析,运用五力模型研究分析了主要竞争对手、潜在竞争对手和替代产品、供应商、用户的有关情况。

    Have a foothold BF company actual , pass to our country of political economic situation , cosmetics profession environment etc.

  6. 阿隆•艾幸格(AaronEdsinger)曾是布鲁克斯的学生,现在则成了布鲁克斯的潜在竞争对手。

    One of Dr. Brooks 's former students , Aaron Edsinger , has become a potential rival .

  7. 第三部分国内广电网络SWOT分析,对广电行业与其潜在竞争对手&电信行业进行了行业概况的对比分析。

    The third part is domestic Broadcast TV Info-network SWOT analysis , comparative analysis of the general situation between Broadcast TV industry and its potential competitor telecommunication industry .

  8. 我们看到有些潜在竞争对手中途退出。

    We 've seen some potential competitors fall by the wayside .

  9. 相对于任何潜在竞争对手——特别是中国,美国具备更强的正当性。

    It has more legitimacy than any potential rival - China in particular .

  10. 研究所有潜在竞争对手的定价政策。

    Study the pricing policies of any possible competitor .

  11. 研究存在潜在竞争对手的研究与开发(R&D)投资策略问题。

    Study on the strategic research development ( R D ) investment decisions with a potential competitor .

  12. 这种伙伴关系已让中国公司在汽车等其它行业获得了技术升级的机会。航空业高管说,他们要紧跟技术发展步伐,以领先于中国的潜在竞争对手。

    Such partnerships have given a technological lift to Chinese companies in other industries , such as automobiles .

  13. 与两党所有潜在竞争对手相比,她在政界和海外的经历都要丰富得多。

    She has considerably more experience in office , and overseas , than any potential rival in either party .

  14. 在拥有专利权之后,制药公司就可以“攻击性”地为潜在竞争对手设置障碍,从而抑制创新。

    By using patents " offensively " to block potential competitors , drug companies can inhibit innovation , says Correa .

  15. 在偏雄性比情况下,雄虫可通过延长交配时间,调节精子投资强度,来增强与潜在竞争对手的竞争;

    In high male-biased environment , the males increase their ampulla investment and sperm investment to enhance power of sperm competition .

  16. 答案是肯定的。这部法律用整整一个章节陈述禁令,瞄准对潜在竞争对手构成不公平歧视的各种行政手段。

    The answer is : yes , the law devotes an entire chapter to prohibitions against administrative practices that discriminate unfairly against would-be competitors .

  17. 本文第二部分根据案例部分首先对哈尔滨分行进行了外部分析,主要是对其外部环境及主要竞争对手及潜在竞争对手进行了分析。

    The second part of the article assay the SWOT of Harbin Branch above all and then the management circumstance , main and latent competitors .

  18. 这种努力在西方企业高管中,并且越来越多地在特朗普政府中引起担忧;西方企业抱怨称,北京扶植其潜在竞争对手的做法不公平。

    The push has prompted worries among Western corporate executives , and increasingly the Trump administration , which complain that Beijing unfairly nurtures their potential rivals .

  19. 美国不仅对自身实力的局限有了更清楚的认识,还进一步意识到了潜在竞争对手的实力。

    America is not only more conscious of the limits to its own power . It is also much more aware of the strengths of potential rivals .

  20. 所谓寡头指的是一小撮希腊商人,这些人利用其政治人脉获得合同,并将包括外国投资者在内的潜在竞争对手排除在外。

    The oligarchs are a small group of Greek businessmen who have exploited their political connections to win contracts and exclude potential competitors , including foreign investors .

  21. 重要的是,该研究小组还发现,品牌领导者往往会得到最好的口碑,从而使它们比潜在竞争对手拥有强大的优势。

    Significantly , the team also found that brand leaders tended to generate most positive word of mouth , giving them a powerful advantage over potential competitors .

  22. 与此形成对照的是,中国周边是印度或俄罗斯等潜在竞争对手、以及日本或韩国等美国的条约盟国。

    China , by contrast , finds itself boxed in by potential competitors , such as India or Russia , or US treaty allies , such as Japan or South Korea .

  23. 目前我国第三方支付市场面临着五种力量的竞争,分别是现有产业竞争对手、潜在竞争对手、客户、银行、替代性服务方式。

    At present , third-party payment market is faced with five competitive forces which are existing industry competitors , potential competitors , customers , banks , and alternative ways of service .

  24. 此外,对中国网通的四个现有主要竞争对手逐一作了分析,并研究了广电系统以及国外资本等潜在竞争对手。

    Besides , the author analyzed four main competitors of China Netcom respectively and studied potential competitors , such as companies in domestic broadcasting and telecom industry and capitals from abroad .

  25. 奋力延长专利保护期以对合法新进者不利,通过压价或收购消灭潜在竞争对手,最终扼杀它们的创新替代产品。

    fighting to prolong patent cover to the detriment of legitimate new entrants , and destroying potential competitors by undercutting them or buying them out , only to kill off their innovative alternative products .

  26. “我们独特的商业模式,这对我们的竞争对手或潜在竞争对手难以复制,是公式,将帮助我们成功,”解释蔡博士,谁创立于1979年科斯韦。

    " Our unique business model , which is very hard for our competitors or potential competitors to replicate , is the formula that will help us succeed ," explains Chuah , who founded Cosway in1979 .

  27. 除了接近价内的可转换债券(其票息现在看上去相当慷慨)以外,在如今看来像是大宗商品周期的底部,力拓还同意将9座矿山的股份出售给一位客户及潜在竞争对手。

    Aside from the nearly in-the-money convertible bond , at a now generous-looking coupon , Rio has agreed to sell stakes in nine mines to a customer and would-be competitor at what looks like the bottom of the commodity cycle .

  28. 微软对谷歌的指控还包括:限制其广告客户访问它们自己的数据;歧视潜在竞争对手,提高它们在其网站上获取主要广告位的费用;阻止访问为出版人所拥有的内容。

    Microsoft also alleged that Google was restricting its advertising customers access to their own data , discriminating against would-be competitors by making it more expensive for them to obtain prominent ad space on its site , and blocking access to content owned by publishers .

  29. 将一切都透露给潜在的竞争对手只会给自己帮倒忙。

    You could do yourself a grave disservice by revealing all to a potential rival .

  30. 多年来,Intuit让微软公司(Microsoft)和其他众多潜在的竞争对手都甘拜下风,现在,它正向新的细分市场挺进,比如能帮病人理解医疗账单或让农民追踪农产品价格的手机应用程序。

    Having faced down Microsoft and many other would-be competitors over the years , intuit is now branching into new markets like mobile apps that help patients make sense of medical billing statements or farmers track commodity prices .