
  1. 第三,通过将劳务派遣员工用工身份的转变设计为激励因素,加强劳务派遣员工对企业的向心力和凝聚力,在一定程度上促进了社会的和谐稳定,符合国家建立和谐社会的主旋律。

    Third , by strengthening the labor dispatch solidarity and cohesion , promote social harmony and stability to a certain extent .

  2. 因为人本管理理念是一种以人为中心的管理,提倡在尊重人格独立与个人尊严的前提下,充分调动人的潜能,提高员工对企业的向心力、凝聚力。

    Because " people-oriented " ideology is a people-centered management , to promote respect for individual dignity , personal independence and the premise of full mobilization of human potential , enhance the enterprise employees centripetal force .

  3. 优质的领导可以凝聚企业的向心力,建立优良的企业文化,而有力的领导往往也是组织成长、变革和再生之最重要关键因素。

    The high-quality leadership can condense the centripetal force of enterprises and set up fine corporate culture and the strong leadership is often the most important key factor of an organization ' developing , improving and recycling .

  4. 这股爱心凝聚了整个企业员工的向心力和归属感,与企业共同经历过许多的风雨,和企业一起成长。

    In a word , the combination of love congeals senses of cohesion and belonging of whole employees , which makes us experience wind and rain and grow together with the enterprise .

  5. 从而提升企业的凝聚力和向心力。

    So as to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise and centripetal forces .

  6. 培育优秀企业文化,增强企业的凝聚力和向心力。

    Cultivating excellent enterprise culture , increasing the cohesion and the centripetal force .

  7. 沟通贯穿于管理活动的全过程,尤其在现代信息社会,沟通的地位显得前所未有地重要,许多企业由于沟通不足或失误而严重影响了企业的向心力和运行效率。

    Communication throughout the whole process of management activities , especially in the modern information society , which plays a much more important role than ever . So many enterprises lost the centripetal force and efficiency just because of the lack of communication .

  8. 而组织文化是一个企业发展能力和核心竞争力的标志,它有利于企业凝聚力和向心力的形成,是一种最高境界的管理方式。

    As organizational culture is a sign of business development capacity and core competency . It is beneficial for companies to create a strong centripetal force , appeal and cohesion , so it is the highest level of management .

  9. 企业文化由于在强调企业精神、共同价值取向及在促进企业凝聚力、向心力形成方面的特殊作用,因而受到企业的普遍关注和实践。

    Because the special function that enterprise culture plays in emphasizing enterprise spirit and common value orientation , promoting the cohesive force and centripetal force in enterprise , therefore enterprise culture receive the general concern and practice of enterprises .

  10. 企业要想吸引并留住人才,就必须提高员工的满意度,培养员工对企业的归属感,增强员工对企业的向心力,进而提升员工对企业的忠诚度。

    If enterprise wants to attract and retain the persons with ability , the problem must be solved firstly is increasing employees satisfaction , accordingly fosters employees ' identity and adscription to enterprise , strengthen the centripetal force of employee for enterprise continuously .