
  1. EVS在IBM的企业目标体系结构中定义为主要的SOA“企业组件”,实际就将其定义为了供所有IBM的业务单位重用。

    EVS is defined in IBM 's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA " Enterprise Component ", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM 's business units .

  2. 建立科学的企业目标体系是制约因素管理最重要的理论基础之一。

    A logical system of enterprises ' goals is one of the most important theoretical base for Management By Constraints ( MBC ) .

  3. 企业经营目标体系的探讨

    ^ A Discussion on the Objectives of Enterprise Operation

  4. 论企业战略目标体系的构建

    The construction of the strategic objective system

  5. 安全管理战略是企业战略目标体系的重要一环。

    Safety management strategy is one link of the enterprise strategy for the target system .

  6. 企业战略目标体系,包括企业使命、企业愿景和企业目标。

    The corporate strategic objectives system includes the corporate mission , corporate vision and corporate goals .

  7. 然后以此为基础,进一步提出了企业财务目标体系的概念,并对企业财务目标体系的构建形成了初步的观点。

    The concept of a financial goal system and the construction of the system are presented .

  8. 给出定单式生产企业目标成本管理体系,指出TCM的应用基础是ERP,它是ERP的进一步深化和扩展。

    Gives out the frame of TCM ( Target Cost Management ) in MTO ( Make to Order ) manufacture , and points out that TCM is the expansion of ERP on which it 's application is based .

  9. 施工企业目标管理考核体系创新探讨

    Discussion about Innovation of Examining System of Goal Management in Construction Enterprise

  10. 再通过分析、建立企业纳税筹划目标体系。

    Through further systematic analysis , it builds goals-specific business taxation models .

  11. 浅谈企业目标成本管理体系的建立

    Discussion on establishment of object management system in enterprise

  12. 在讨论利润最大化、财富最大化的基础上,根据不同管理层次的责、权、利,提出以财富最大化、利润最大化、成本最小化共同组成现代企业财务管理目标体系。

    This paper discusses the profit maximization and wealth maximization of the firm 's stockholders . On this basis , the paper puts forward the goal system of the contemporary financial management .

  13. 接着提出了衢电多经的总体发展战略,阐述了衢电实施多元化经营的领域选择、领域进入方式、衢电多经企业发展的目标体系及投资战略。

    On the above basis , we propose the overall development strategy of Quzhou diversified business , state the methods of choosing and entering new business fields of Quzhou 's diversified business , suggest the goal system and investment strategy of Quzhou 's diversified business .

  14. 施工企业项目目标成本管理体系分析

    Construction Enterprise Project Management System Target Cost Analysis

  15. 其次,确立了企业税务筹划的目标体系,建立了企业税务筹划的目标模型,并对目标模型进行了应用评价。

    Secondly , the thesis establishes the system of the enterprise tax planning targets and builds target models of enterprise tax planning .

  16. 建立员工绩效考评体系,需从企业的战略角度出发,构筑企业的绩效目标体系。

    Based on the existing corporation strategies , the establishment of staff performance appraisal system requires the setting up of the aims of performance .

  17. 结合LS公司的现状,为企业设计了愿景和使命,规划了企业的战略目标体系和战略目标,并对如何实施战略给出了建议。

    Combined with the situation of LS company , vision and mission for the enterprise was designed , and the enterprise strategic targets system and strategic target was planned . In addition , suggestions on how to implement strategies were also provided .

  18. 将建立企业技术创新体系与企业的基本管理职能、特别企业目标管理体系相联系,把企业技术创新活动管理纳入企业日常管理活动,以确保企业创新体系的有效运行。

    To ensure the technology innovation system would run efficiently , that system must be related with the basic management function and the object management system of firm , the management action of technology innovation must be regarded as a kind of daily management action .

  19. 在分析企业发展历程和规律的基础上,揭示了现代企业系统的目标体系:战略层次的终极目标是使企业长期保持兴盛状态;

    Based on an analysis of the process and law of enterprises evolution , this paper uncovers the system of modern enterprises ' goals . The ultimate goal in the strategic level is to keep an enterprise in a thriving state for the long run .