
  1. 紧接着介绍了COSO风险管理框架并对其八大要素进行了分析。接着介绍了企业并购风险以及其表现形式。

    Then the article describes the COSO risk management framework and analyzes its eight elements , then introduces the M & A risk and its manifestations .

  2. 灰色系统理论在企业并购风险识别中的应用

    Application of grey system theory in M & A risk decision

  3. 企业并购风险管理系统:构成、特征与运作

    Structure , Characteristic and Operation of Enterprise Merger Risk Management System

  4. 企业并购风险管理的系统特征与流程构造

    Systematic Features and Construction of Business M & A Risk Management Procedure

  5. 民营企业并购风险与操作应用研究

    The Merger Risks and Operation Research on Private Enterprise

  6. 二是企业并购风险管理系统的一般分析;

    Second , the general analysis about the risk management system of merger and acquisition ;

  7. 三是企业并购风险管理系统的运行。

    Third , particular analysis about the risk management running mechanism of merger and acquisition .

  8. 然后设计了企业并购风险识别系统及决策支持系统的基本框架,并提出了该系统的实现方法。

    Finally the basic framework has been designed along with the method to implement the system .

  9. 企业并购风险的规避涉及到多方面的内容。

    To keep the risks in the corporate merger and acquisition away , actually involves many aspects .

  10. 对企业并购风险管理界定为并购企业识别并购活动过程中的各种风险并进行必要地度量和处理的整个过程;

    Secondly , we define M A risk management as the process to discern , measure and deal with M A risk .

  11. 明确了企业并购风险识别的涵义及其基本要求,并阐述了企业并购风险识别的内容与方法步骤。

    We have clearly defined the discernment of M & A risk , put forward its several basic requirements , and provided the approaches and steps for it .

  12. 然后以定性分析为主,从定性分析和定量分析两个方面探讨了我国国有企业并购风险评估方法;

    Secondly , by the qualitative analysis primarily , discusses the risk evaluation method during the merged and acquired activity from the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis aspects .

  13. 基于并购风险管理过程的主要环节设计了包括并购风险识别,风险度量,风险处理策略选择,风险处理的实施、评估和调控四个部分的企业并购风险管理系统。

    System of M A risk management is made of four parts i.e. discernment , measurement , choice of strategies for dealing with M A risk and implementing , evaluating , regulating the strategies .

  14. 由于国内的企业并购风险管理没有统一、适用的规范和模式,因此如何进行科学的管理来规避并购中的风险,也就必然成为很多企业关心的课题。

    Because the merger risk management of our country 's enterprise don 't have a unified and suitable mode , therefore how to proceed the management of science to evade the risk of the merger , have become an important lesson in many enterprise .

  15. 本文将HHM等级全息建模运用到我国汽车制造业企业跨国并购风险的识别过程中,进行风险的识别。

    In the paper it applied HHM model to overseas M & A of the automobile manufacturing enterprises in China to identify risks .

  16. 企业并购市场风险的识别研究

    Research on the Market Risk Discernment of Enterprises M & A

  17. 企业并购融资风险的分析及防范

    Analysis and precaution of financing risk of enterprise merger and acquisition

  18. 企业并购财务风险及其防范

    Financial Risks of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition and Preventive Measures

  19. 流通企业并购重组风险分析

    Analysis of Risks in Circulation Enterprise 's Merger Acquisition

  20. 企业并购战略风险因素分析及防范策略

    An Analysis of Factors and Preventive Strategies for Mergers & Acquisitions Strategic Risks

  21. 我国民营企业并购的风险及防范措施研究

    Private Enterprises in China M & A Study of Risks and Preventive Measures

  22. 实物期权在防范企业并购财务风险中的应用

    Real Option in Preventing the Mergers and Acquisitions from Financial Risks of Enterprises

  23. 第五部分主要提出了我国企业并购财务风险规避的建议。

    Part V offers the suggestion of financial risk in M & A mainly .

  24. 企业并购的风险终止系数的计量及评价

    Measure and Evaluation of the Venture Stopping Coefficient for Merger & Acquisition of Enterprises

  25. 企业并购的风险管理

    The Risk Management of Enterprise Merger and Acquision

  26. 然而,企业并购不乏风险,特别是在企业并购中的人力资源整合风险。

    But M & A has risks , especially the risk of Human Resource Integration .

  27. 论文的主要创新(1)建立了中国企业跨国并购风险分析框架。

    Main innovation in the thesis ( 1 ) establish a risk analysis framework of cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises .

  28. 系统介绍了企业并购、风险投资、杠杆并购、风险杠杆并购的相关理论;

    Introduces the theories of Merger & Acquisition , Venture Capital , Leverage Buy Out and Leverage Buy Out with Venture Capital ;

  29. 因此,企业并购市场风险已成为目前企业亟需研究和识别的课题。

    So market risk of enterprise M & A has become a topic that is in great need of researching and discerning .

  30. 本文把情报工作视为中国企业海外并购风险管理过程中不可分割的组成部分来进行研究。

    In this thesis , intelligence was treated as an integral part of the whole risk management process of overseas M & A of Chinese enterprises .