
  • 网络tax risk
  1. 造纸业税政解读与企业纳税风险规避

    Interpretation of taxation policy of papermaking industry and enterprise tax risk avoidance

  2. 近代学者将风险管理的理论运用到企业纳税风险管理当中。

    Modern scholars apply the theory of risk management to enterprise tax risk management .

  3. 企业搭建防范纳税风险平台的思考

    Thoughts on the platform built by enterprises to guard against the risk of tax

  4. 其次,企业纳税风险管理有利于降低税收征收管理成本,提高效率。

    Second , the enterprise tax risk management helps reduce tax collection and administration costs and improve efficiency .

  5. 第二,建立有效的纳税风险管理机制可以规避不必要的纳税风险,促进企业的生产经营。

    Second , to establish an effective tax risk management mechanism can avoid unnecessary tax risks and promote the production and operation .

  6. 首先,企业纳税风险管理有助于降低企业税收风险,实现企业利益最大化。

    First , the enterprise tax risk management helps reduce the risk of corporate tax , the enterprise to maximize the benefits .

  7. 第二部分是纳税风险管理知识的认识,主要包括纳税风险界定、纳税风险管理界定、纳税风险管理的依据以及影响企业纳税风险管理的相关因素。

    The second part is the basic theory of tax risk management , including definition of tax risk , tax risk management defined the basis for tax risk management and risk management affects the tax-related factors .

  8. 自从2009年5月国家税务总局发布《大企业税务风险管理指引(试行)》通知以来,大型企业正逐渐建立起纳税风险管理机制,规避企业面临的纳税风险。

    Since May 2009 , State Administration of Taxation issued the " big corporate tax risk management guidelines ( Trial )" notice ; large-scale enterprises are gradually built up the tax risk management mechanism , avoiding the risk of tax .

  9. 企业纳税筹划风险的理论分析及应对策略

    Theory Research of Corporation Tax Planning Risk and Countermeasure

  10. 其次,探讨了房地产企业纳税筹划风险的控制措施。

    Secondly , it discusses the managerial measures of risks existing in the real estate enterprise tax planning .

  11. 该部分首先分析了房地产企业纳税筹划风险的概念以及产生风险的原因。

    This part first analyzes the concept of the risks in real estate industry tax planning and their reasons .

  12. 其次,从纳税筹划风险的特点、因素等方面,采用成本收益分析法对相关的纳税筹划案例进行分析,突出了纳税筹划风险管理的重要性。

    Then , using cost income method to analyze relevant tax planning case , and take the characteristics and factors of tax planning risks into consideration , highlighted the importance of tax planning risk management .

  13. 主要论述了风险管理的一般过程,即风险识别、风险分析和评估、风险控制及后评估,为下文的纳税筹划风险管理提供理论支撑。

    Firstly , the author analyzed the general theory of risk management , treated the course of risk management , namely risk identification 、 risk analysis and assessment 、 risk control . Thus we can offer theory basis .

  14. 浅谈企业纳税筹划与财务风险

    Talking about the Taxation Plan and Financial Risk of Enterprise

  15. 负责公司税务管理工作,确保公司按照税法规定合理纳税、有效避免风险和损失;

    Responsible for tax package , compliance and filing , and make sure taxation admin in a proactive and safe manner ;

  16. 同时,将定性分析与定量分析结合起来,在案例基础上讲述了进行纳税筹划要注重风险管理,并着重阐述了最优方案选择的原因与过程。

    At the same time , this paper discusses the necessity of risk management for tax planning based on a case , emphatically expounds the reasons and process for the optimal scheme selection .