
Research on the Moral Risks of Private Enterprises
External environments factors such as the degree of law and regulations and government interval have remarkable effect on business moral risk .
The proportion difference between the biggest and second stockholder is negative correlated to enterprise moral risk in remarkable at the degree of 5 % .
Based on the framework , we investigated the determinant factors in moral hazards and verification extent , and analyzed monitoring strategies of bank as well .
The uncertain of the moral risk is because of the uncertain of the employees and environment . So , risk avoiding should take the way of professionalization .
However , when the game is repeated , reputation effect will play an active role and bring effective constraint on the moral hazard of enterprise in the alliance .
Exploring factors which affecting business moral risk from two perspectives , namely external source and interior source , then make a positive proofing . It manifests the systematic inspection of this research .
Studies on Prevention of Moral Hazard about State-owned Enterprises ' Managers
New consciousness of contract should be reset for avoiding enterprise moral risk .
A Model Analysis of Moral Hazard and the Allocation of Control Rights in the Venture Capital Backed Companies
The Moral Hazard of Managers in State-Run Enterprises : A Study of of Its Deep Causes and Countermeasures
Part one discusses the Information Asymmetry and its consequences : Adverse Selection , Moral Hazard and Market Failure .
Furthermore , these factors induce the moral hazard of Chinese enterprises , whichever state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) are or not .
And from the perspective of state-owned assets management , it puts up public policy recommendations to prevent central enterprises managers from moral hazard behavior .
So they produce the moral hazards of public finance system , the moral hazards of financial institutions and the moral hazards of state-owned enterprises .
Enterprise marketing moral hazard is a complex socioeconomic phenomenon ; the study of its formation mechanism is the basis of effectively controlling enterprise vulnerability .
The institutional basis of preventing trust crises of the supply chain is the design of the contract . And the contract design aimed to inhibit enterprises from moral hazard and promote a credible business conduct .
There are four circumstances for the causation of the enterprise moral risk : Firstly , the profit subject is not unanimous . Secondly , the information is not complement . Thirdly , the confronting problems are uncertain .
Alchian and Demsetz 's team production theory is beneficial to solving the inefficiency problem derived from moral hazards within enterprises .
We find that under information asymmetry , policy burdens will lead to the moral hazards of the SOE managers and hence the low efficiency of SOEs ;
Or if moral hazard of two managers ' holding shares are the same , the one whose risk-aversion is higher has less proportion of holding shares .
It is the main content of the paper . The sixth chapter discusses the objectives , principles and methods of the establishment of moral hazard early-warning mechanism for the central enterprises managers .
We point out that the strength of the influence of the degree of the firm 's manager 's moral hazard and the proportion of the manager 's holding shares on the debt-equity ratio relates to the degree of the manager 's risk-aversion .
Ways to Administer Moral Hazard in Accounting Behavior of Chinese Enterprises
Moral Risks in State Enterprises ' Debt-in-lieu-of Equity and its Countermeasures
Double Moral Hazard in a New Venture and Optimal Financial Contract
On Moral Hazard Prevention of Commissioned Technological Development Based on Incentive Mechanism Design Theory
Management Ethical Risk of Share Holding Companies
On the other hand , corporations need to improve the incentive contract to avoid moral hazard .
Finally the introduction of reputation model , discussed the use of hidden incentive mechanisms to address moral hazard between enterprises and the flower means .