
  1. 他们中有一个女儿早产的父亲,他说孩子在重症监护病房的五个星期里,“在我觉得非常无助的时候,学着编织婴儿帽给了我一种目标感。

    Among them is the father of a prematurely born daughter who reported that during the baby 's five weeks in the intensive care unit , " learning how to knit infant hats gave me a sense of purpose during a time that I felt very helpless . "

  2. Communities:创建协作的公共区域,鼓励对共同目标感兴趣的一组人员进行创新。

    Communities : Creates common areas of collaboration and fosters innovation through a set of people interested in common objectives .

  3. 使用形态Haar小波法检测目标感兴趣区域

    Detection of region-of-interest by morphological Haar wavelet method

  4. 她给他取了人的名字,有了这个名字,让K有了目标感和信念,让他感觉自己不仅是被设定的那个人。

    She gives him a human name , and with it , some sense of purpose and belief that he 's more than what he 's been designed to do .

  5. 一项去年发表于《记忆》(Memory)期刊的研究表明,如果这三种类型的记忆都能够存留,就可以预测出一个人的心理状况将更健康,目标感更强,人际关系也更积极。

    The ability to draw on all three types of memories predicts higher psychological well-being , a greater sense of purpose and more positive relationships , according to a study of 103 college students published last year in the journal Memory .

  6. 硅谷那些最成功的公司几乎都散发着强烈的使命感【想想苹果公司(Apple),Salesforce.com和谷歌公司吧】,而那些现在不堪一击的江湖老大则丧失了目标感【比如惠普公司(HP)和微软公司(Microsoft)】。

    The most successful Silicon Valley companies almost universally exude a sense of mission ( think Apple ( AAPL ) , Salesforce.com ( CRM ) , and Google ) , while the vulnerable incumbents have lost their sense of purpose ( think HP ( HP ) and Microsoft ) .

  7. 他不再有同样的目标感

    but he doesn 't have that same sense of purpose .

  8. 它来源于强烈的目标感。

    It comes from a strong sense of purpose .

  9. 失去经营一家企业所能带来的地位和目标感,令企业家哀痛不已。

    They mourn the loss of status and purpose that running a company can bring .

  10. 从整体上来看,新千年一代在求职时的目标感更强。

    Millennials tend to , on the whole , crave jobs with a greater purpose .

  11. 他后来写道,生活在革命的中国,他终于找到了一种目标感。

    Living in revolutionary China , he had finally found a sense of purpose , he later wrote .

  12. 有恒心、决心和强烈的目标感,意味着你很会控制你的冲动。

    Having perseverance , determination and a strong sense of purpose means you are excellent at controlling your impulses .

  13. 我们相见的第一天我就非常欣赏你那强烈而清晰的目标感

    You 've always had a strength and clarity of purpose that I admired from the first day we met .

  14. 没有了使命,公司就会堕落成死气沉沉的一潭死水,没有目标感,跟客户也缺乏有力的联系。

    In the absence of mission , companies devolve into uninspiring backwaters with no purpose and little connection with their customers .

  15. 这是一种特立独行的使命宣言,一种与众不同、分裂性的目标感,能让你从竞争对手中脱颖而出。

    This is a maverick mission statement , a distinctive and disruptive sense of purpose that sets you apart from your rivals .

  16. 有爱心并且高度信任的公司文化,再加上目标感和明确感,一直都和强劲的收入与股价表现联系在一起。

    Caring and high-trust company cultures with a sense of purpose and clarity are consistently associated with strong revenue and stock performance .

  17. 在著书的4年时间里,我有一种前所未有的使命感和目标感。

    For the four years writing the book , I had felt a sense of mission and purpose like never before in my life .

  18. 他担心自己的员工会失去目标感,即他们的工作和决策事关重大。

    He frets that his employees would lose their sense of purpose , the sense that their work and the decisions they make matter .

  19. “我们相信生活教练是帮助他们找到新的目标感的好方法,”她说。

    " We 're convinced that life coaching is a great way of helping them to find a new sense of purpose ," she said .

  20. 他们发现那些迅速重返生活的人拥有更强的目标感,不太可能去想过去的事。

    They found that people who readily jumped back into life had a greater sense of purpose and were less likely to think about the past .

  21. 最后,80后90后比前几代人更加重视社会存在感和目标感,而且他们看待目标感的角度也是二重的。

    Finally , more so than previous generations , millennials place great importance on social causes and sense of purpose - and they define that purpose two-fold .

  22. 但在一个培养人才日益重要的时代,能建立深切而真实的目标感,也许是一家公司最具竞争力的优势。(财富中文网)

    But in an era in which cultivating talent is increasingly essential , building a deep and authentic sense of purpose could be a company 's ultimate competitive advantage .

  23. 研究者说道,通过影响后代,我们有了目标感,这种感觉与我们面临不可避免的死亡时的终结感相对抗。

    The researchers say that by making a difference for future generations we gain a sense of purpose that combats the feeling of finality when we face our inevitable mortality .

  24. 它来源于正直和自信地去行动。它来源于强烈的目标感。它来源于强烈地勇于承担责任的许诺,而不是让生命放任自流。

    It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility , rather than just letting life happen .

  25. 第一,旅行可以帮助你找出这一生中自己想做的事情:当自己处在新环境时,那儿的人们和文化氛围会唤醒你的目标感。

    Traveling can help you figure out what you want to do with your life : Exposing yourself to new places , people and cultures can awaken your sense of purpose .

  26. 那一刻成了我人生的转折点,一度失去父亲所受的打击开始消退,慈善和生活的目标感开始支配我的生活。

    This was a defining moment for me . Once the shock of losing my father began to fade , clarity and a new sense of purpose became the dominant force in my life .

  27. 只有11%的人表示他们在生活的五个不同方面都“欣欣向荣”,这些方面包括财务稳定性、牢固的社交网络和目标感等。

    And only 11 % reported they were ' thriving ' in five different aspects of their lives , among which are financial stability , a strong social network and a sense of purpose .

  28. 拥有使命感和目标感才能给生命带来意义、价值和充实。这不仅对你的健康和寿命有益处,而且即使在你处于困境的时候你也会感觉良好。

    Having a sense of purpose and striving towards goals gives life meaning , direction and satisfaction . It not only contributes to health and longevity , but also makes you feel better in difficult times .

  29. 这一巧合让我想知道私人股本所有的企业到底有多少类型,它们似乎要挑战人们的这种不良印象:收购界的巨擘是低价掠夺资产的短期主义者,只对能带来源源不断收入的目标感兴趣。

    The coincidence made me wonder at the sheer breadth of private equity-owned businesses , which seems to defy the caricature of buyout kings as asset-stripping short-termists , interested only in targets with an annuity-like stream of revenue .

  30. 对一些人而言,其中的寓意似乎一目了然:如果你将你的工作视为治愈病患,而不仅是清扫杂物,那么任何时候你拿起拖把,都可能会有一种更深的目标感。

    To some , the moral might seem obvious : If you see your job as healing the sick , rather than just swabbing up messes , you 're likely to have a deeper sense of purpose whenever you grab the mop .