
  • 网络target pricing;target profit pricing
  1. 文章认为将目标成本定价法和消费者感知定价法有机结合是现代营销观念下比较切实可行的方法。

    The paper considers that it is the practical way to organically combine the target cost price fixing method with the consumer sense price fixing method .

  2. 通过分析,本文强调细分定价、目标收益定价法、渗透定价法对我国体育赛事门票的适用及重要性。

    Through analysis , this article emphasizes the pricing segmentation , target income pricing , penetration pricing on tickets for sports events and the importance of the application .

  3. 第一,广告成本策略选择,具体从变动成本定价法、目标收益定价法、边际贡献定价法三个方面进行分析。

    First , the cost of advertising strategy , specifically from the variable cost pricing method , the target profit pricing , marginal contribution pricing analysis in three aspects .