
  • 网络target market segment strategy
  1. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .

  2. 文化差异对国际营销活动的影响具体体现在对目标市场选择策略、渠道策略、产品策略等企业国际营销决策的影响上。

    Target tactics , channel tactics , and product tactics in international marketing are all influenced by cultural differences .

  3. 其次,关于科技期刊广告目标市场选择策略,主要的考虑因素应是科技期刊读者的信息需求,以读者的广告信息偏好为标准来对行业目标市场进行细分。

    The first consideration in target market choice is the information preferring of audience , and segmentation the advertiser market is also according to this standard .

  4. 她帮助主要客户制定特定市场的竞争策略,包括目标市场选择和销售策略。

    She has assisted key IDC clients with the development of market-specific competitive strategies , including target market selection and sales strategies .