
  1. 我们创造的视觉战略和目标的沟通,使你的品牌故事抓住观众-目标群体。

    We create the visual strategy and target the communication to make your brand stories catch the audience – the target groups .

  2. 其中,平衡模式将非财务指标纳入到业绩评价体系中,可以更有效的进行企业远景和目标的沟通,将战略转化为可量化和可操作的指标,提高公司绩效。

    Among them , a balanced model is adding the non-financial measures into performance evaluation systems . It can be carried out more efficiently communicating business vision and goals , transforming strategy into measurable and actionable indicators , achieving enterprise performance goals .

  3. 在文献整理和资料搜集的过程中,笔者提炼出企业集群中信任形成的六因素,包括充分的准备、关系特定型投资、历史关系、企业声誉、共同目标和沟通;

    During the process of materials collecting and articles reading , the author tried to refine the 6 factors of the formation of trust in cluster : complete preparation , joint investment , historical transaction , enterprise reputation , common objective and communication .

  4. 医疗保健企业和整个行业都需要以一种更加直接和公开的手段与其各自的目标群体进行沟通。

    Healthcare companies and the entire industry need to communicate with target groups in a more direct and public way .

  5. 团队气氛与知识型员工个人绩效和组织绩效密切相关:其中,目标承诺、沟通参与对个人任务绩效的影响较大,目标承诺、革新支持、沟通参与对个人周边绩效的影响较大;

    Team climates also influence individual performance and organization performance : goal commitment and communication and participation affect individual task performance ;

  6. 我们扮演着领袖的角色,其实,通过自身能力抽身于纷繁复杂的状况之外来解释目标并进行沟通对话时,我们就成为领导者了。

    We assume a leadership role , indeed we become leaders , through our ability to decipher and communicate meaning out of complex and confusing situations .

  7. 市场定位是识别差异化竞争优势,选择合适的差异化优势及与目标顾客进行沟通的过程,其目的是在目标顾客心目中确立有别于竞争对手的差异化竞争优势。

    Positioning is a process which to identify difference , develop difference and communicate with target customers . Its goal is to set up a differentiated customers .

  8. 在对各种经典合作博弈解分析的基础上,笔者提出了基于目标规划的沟通收益分配方法。

    Based on the analysis of classical solutions for cooperative N-person games , this paper presents a goal programming approach to allocate the communication benefits among the participants .

  9. 很多企业的品牌,即使已经着手塑造品牌形象,也并没有意识到品牌吉祥物对于丰富品牌形象,以及与目标消费群沟通的重要作用。

    Although a few corporations start to create images of brand , but as a matter of fact most of them still do not realize the important role brand mascot has played in enriching the images and communicating with the customers .

  10. 每一个阶段基础设施项目投融资风险管理可以遵循风险识别、风险评估、风险处理的步骤,结合项目内外部坏境、明确目标、完善沟通、严格监管,来进行风险管理。

    Investment and financing of risk management at every phase in infrastructure projects can follow the risk identification , risk assessment , risk response steps , combined with the external environment within the project , explicit objectives , and improve communication , strict supervision .

  11. 在市场启动的初期采取高价格与高促销的市场撇脂策略,应用数据库直复营销与目标顾客精确沟通、服务,采取资源广泛分销模式逐步扩大客户群。

    PZ company adopts Rapid skimming at a high price and a high promotion level in introduction stage on the market , uses the Direct Marketing to target consumer 's accurate communication , service directly and adopts " Resources Distributed " that the mode is expanded customer group progressively .

  12. 对X支行绩效管理体系评价,包括对目标制定、绩效沟通、绩效考评、结果运用方面的评价。关键词:银行支行;

    The evaluation is on goal setting , performance communication , performance evaluation , and result application .

  13. 我们如何能改进交付和增加透明度,以及与业务部门在目标进展上的沟通?

    Q : How can we improve delivery , transparency and communication on progress toward goals with business unit counterparts ?

  14. 因此本标准所描述的术语工作的目标就是对人类沟通过程中的各种概念和术语进行澄清和标准化。

    The goal of terminology work as described in this standard is , thus , clarification and standardization of concepts and terminology for communication between humans .

  15. 它的实施要涉及到观念、方法、竞争、目标、战略、沟通、因果关系等多项因素,实质上是对企业进行整体上的改革。

    Its implementation involves in several factors such as staff notion , methodology , competition , target , stratagem , communication , coordination and causal nexus , etc.

  16. 由此三个基本条件,定义人力资本质量的8个变量类型:态度、责任、目标、计划、沟通、危机、思考、改善。

    Under the 3 conditions there are 8 quality variances defined further . They are : attitude , responsibility , target planning , communication , risk prevention , thinking way , improvement .

  17. 内部控制作为现代化的管理机制和管理方法是组织内部的主体为了实现其既定目标,以信息沟通为基础,采取一定的方法对影响其目标完成的可控因素所做出的一切努力。

    Internal control as a modern management mechanism and management methods is the organization in order to achieve its stated objectives , and it based on information communication , made all their efforts to affect the controllable factors which are important to their target by some certain methods .

  18. 而现代国际广告是国际广告主使用特定的媒体向异文化目标人群传播品牌信息,是品牌与异文化目标人群平等沟通以实现品牌目标的互动性传播活动。

    However , modern international advertisement is that international advertisement managers use special media to transmit information to hetero-culture objective human group and is the interactive transmitting activities of brand objective by communication between brand and hetero-culture human group .

  19. 市场营销观念认为,实现企业目标的关键在于能够比竞争对手更有效地向目标市场创造、沟通、传递顾客价值。

    It holds that the key to achieving its organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating , delivering , and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets .