
  1. 少年团队:每队澳门币/港币四百元整

    Junior Team Entry : MOP / HK $ 400 per team

  2. 原来上一季度第十个三中计划鞋带产量超额完成百分之九十八。第一名:澳门币/港币八百元整及二零零三年度宝马夏季赛事冠军杯

    In the preceding quarter , it appeared , the Tenth Three-Year Plan 's quota for bootlaces had been over-fulfilled by 98 per cent . 1st MOP / HK $ 800 and the BMW Summer Series 2003 Champions Cup

  3. 「100人免费自助餐晚宴」餐饮券总价值等同或不多于澳门币50000元正,餐饮券有效期为签发日期计起6个月内。

    The dining gift certificate of a " Free Buffet for100 People " is worth up to a maximum of MOP50, 000.The Dining Gift Certificate is valid for6 months from the date of issue .