
  • 网络communication style
  1. 形成一套更适合个人沟通风格的职业化表达方式;

    Develop a professional voice more fitting to one 's personal communication style .

  2. 一个人的性格以及沟通风格是面试抉择的重要考虑因素。

    A person 's personality and communication style are key factors in the interview decision .

  3. 从跨文化角度对比研究中美管理者的沟通风格

    A Comparative Study of the American and Chinese Managers ' Communication Style-From a Cross-cultural Perspective

  4. 您将重新审视自己的沟通风格,在与人合作时,找到更好的方法来实现自己的远景目标。

    You will re-examine your communication style to find better ways to achieve your vision when working with others .

  5. 大多数情况下,经理必须建立统一一致的沟通风格,这样老板就清楚他的期望了。

    In most cases , a manager must develop a uniform and consistent communication style so that employees know what to expect .

  6. 书中还提供了一些模型来帮助你提高你的沟通风格,并有与青少年有效和富有成果的交流;

    The book also provides some models to help you enhance your communication style and have an effective and fruitful communication with the teenager ;

  7. 本文就中西方文化差异对涉外谈判中的沟通风格、谈判策略、决策方式以及对如何处理冲突等方面的影响进行了分析。

    This article analyzes the impact of the cultural difference between China and the West on business negotiation in terms of communication styles , negotiation strategies , decision-making and the ways to manage conflicts .

  8. 心理健康水平受到中文能力、英语水平、间接沟通风格、人格开放性、情绪稳定性和社交主动性影响。其中中文能力和间接沟通风格对心理健康的影响的负向的。

    The psychological well-being is affected by Chinese and English language ability , indirect communication style , openness , emotion stability and social initiative , but Chinese language ability and indirect communication style have the negtive affect on psychological well-being .

  9. 性是人存在的基本元件,是一种存有的样式、表达、与他人沟通的风格、感觉、表述、与生活的人性之爱的表明方式。

    Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality , one of its modes of being , of manifestation , of communicating with others , of feeling , of expressing and of living human love .

  10. 培训的目的是协助管理者制定企业发展战略、贯彻实施变革方案,重新设计组织架构,或改进与他人沟通协调的领导风格,使管理更出效果。

    The coaching may be aimed at helping to develop a corporate strategy , helping the leader to effectuate and implement change , how to redesign the organizational structure or helping to improve the leader 's style of dealing with others to make it as constructive as possible . '

  11. 用于团体咨询可以缓和人际紧张,沟通彼此心灵,培养良好的沟通和互动风格。

    For group counseling , it can ease the tension of interpersonal , communication with each other mind , develop good communication and interaction style .