
  • 网络communication cost;cost of communication
  1. 汽车产品研发过程中的沟通成本分析

    Analyzation on Communication Cost in Automobile R & D Process

  2. 文章认为沟通成本由企业家精神所依赖的意会性知识以及企业家与要素所有者的主观素质差异所决定,沟通成本的大小是决定新企业成功创建和企业初始资本结构的一个关键因素。

    The author argues that communication cost is determined by tacit knowledge of entrepreneurship , and the subjective endowment difference between the entrepreneur and other factor owners , and communication cost is a key factor for the probability of a new firm emergence and new firm 's initial capital structure .

  3. 但与科斯不同的是,马龙的侧重点不是交易成本而是沟通成本。

    Unlike Coase , however , Malone focuses not on transaction costs but on communication costs .

  4. 同时,沟通成本大幅降低使长距离互动变得更加简单,这带来了回报。

    Simultaneously , dramatic drops in communication costs ease long-distance interactions , and there 's a reward .

  5. 对于客户,重视客户需求,降低沟通成本。

    For the customer , the companies must value customer demand , reduce the cost of communication .

  6. 距离遥远的时候,沟通成本高昂,此时小群体是社会组织唯一可行的形式。

    The high cost of communication over large distances meant that small groups were the only feasible form of social organisation .

  7. 传统的管理流程不支持面向客户,流程人为割裂导致效率不高,同时增加了部门间内耗与人员的沟通成本。

    Traditional management process does not support customer facing processes human divided lead to inefficient , while increasing the intersectoral internal friction of communication with the staff costs .

  8. 借助互联网可以实现统一的、定制的信息在项目组成员间传输,协调和管理,实现项目进程的实时跟踪、管理、控制和评价;项目管理借助互联网,通过共享,可以有效降低沟通成本;

    With the aid of the Internet May realize the unified and customized information which can transmit , coordinate and manage between the project members , realize the real-time track , management , control and appraisal in the project process ;

  9. 与传统的人才招聘模式相比,网络招聘中人才和企业的信息量大、所需时间短、降低了企业和人才相互沟通的成本。

    Compared with the traditional recruitment model , network recruitment of personnel and enterprise information , required for a short time , reduces the communication cost of enterprises and talents .

  10. 在开发和运用成本报告系统时,适当的编码或译码体系有利于信息沟通和成本信息的汇总。

    In developing or implementing a system of cost accounts , an appropriate numbering or coding system is essential to facilitate communication of information and proper aggregation of cost information .

  11. 但是,多元化经营分散了企业资源,加大了企业管理的难度,提高了协调、沟通的成本,还可能为企业带来其它如财务等方面的风险。

    Nevertheless , diversification disperses the firm resources , enlarges the hardness of firm management and improves the cost of inner coordination and communication . It maybe brings firms other risks for example financial risk .

  12. 董事会作为银行治理的核心,我国银行董事会规模偏大,增加了沟通协调成本,降低了决策效率,并未对创新能力起到促进作用。

    As the core of bank governance , there are a large number of the board of directors of banks in China , which increases the cost of cooperation and coordination , reduces the decision-making efficiency , and does not motivate the further innovative capability .

  13. 连锁零售企业结合自身情况,在全方位考虑的基础上,从中可选择一种更适合自身发展的配送模式,同时解决配送中存在的服务标准化、个性化和沟通信用成本这三个难题。

    The chain-like retail sales enterprises utility their own molds , on the basis of omni-directional consideration , may choose one pattern that matches its development , and solve the problems of service standardization , the individuality and the communication trust cost that exist in the process of delivery .

  14. 在互联网上存储和沟通信息的成本几乎已降为零。

    The cost of storing and communicating information over the Internet had fallen to almost nothing .

  15. 然后本文对微博的沟通价值、成本价值、营销价值等应用价值进行了深入分析,发掘优势。

    Then the paper starts to analyze the communicate value , cost value , marketing value of microblog in-depth , in order to explore the advantages .

  16. 良好的分析能力、沟通能力、成本控制能力、较强的管理、领导、协调和计划能力。细致、耐心和责任心。

    Excellent analytical skills , communication skills , costing , operational skills and management skills with high level of leadership , detail-oriented , patience and a sense of responsibility .

  17. 且后期的FPGA的硬件原型验证需采用硬件描述语言设计,导致两者之间存在一定的沟通及重复工作成本,不同验证模型之间存在明显的不一致性。

    And the late FPGA hardware prototype verification requires the use of hardware description language to design , leading to a certains of communication and duplication of work between them , and the significant inconsistencies between the different authentication model .

  18. 手机和短消息的出现为解决沟通便捷和沟通成本之间的矛盾起到了很大的作用。

    The appearances of cell phone and Short Message Service have resolved the contradiction between convenience and cost of communication .

  19. 财务部门与研发、生产部门应至少每季度沟通一次项目成本状况、完工进度等,必要时一起探讨成本控制措施。

    If there is a big change of the project development , adjustment should be made in time , and the situation should be reflected to the financial department .

  20. 因此,传统的旅游营销面临着信息化的变革,面临着如何运用信息技术来收集信息、沟通市场、降低成本、改善服务,从而提高企业竞争力的问题。

    So , traditional travel marketing is confronting the informational change , the problems of how to use the information technology to collect information , link up the market , lower cost and improve the service so as to improve the enterprise 's competitiveness .

  21. 从信息管理的角度对集团内部的机械设备管理进行了分析,提出以集团内部信息汇总与沟通来达到有效成本管理的方法,以达到降低工程施工中机械设备使用费的效果。

    The article analyzes mechanical equipment management in internal group from the angle of information management , and proposes the method to achieve effective cost management by intra-group information collection and communication , in order to reduce running cost of mechanical equipment in engineering construction .

  22. 即时消息的应用非常广泛,不仅可以应用在个人感情交流,更可应用到企业的日常工作,辅助企业进行内部交流和沟通,减少企业沟通成本,并有利于提高工作效率。

    It can help enterprise to enhance the communication , decrease the cost and increase the efficiency of working .

  23. 沟通也有质量和成本控制的要求,本文从沟通质量关键要素出发详细研究沟通质量控制手段,同时对沟通成本控制展开研究。

    Communication quality and cost control are also required , so starting from the key elements that effects the quality of communication , the paper does the detailed study of the quality control and cost control measures of communication .

  24. 尤其对于企业级用户,统一通信更是大大提高了企业员工的沟通和协作效率,降低了沟通成本。

    Especially for enterprise users , unified communications greatly improve the efficiency of communication and collaboration of enterprise staff and reduce communication costs .

  25. 即时通信系统集成即时消息、音视频通信、文件传输等多种沟通方式,在企业员工进行联系、提高工作效率、降低沟通成本等方面发挥了巨大的作用。

    Instant messaging system integrates instant messaging , audio and video communication , file transfer and other means of communication , and plays a tremendous role in many aspects such as contacting both the enterprise , improving efficiency , reducing communication cost .