
  1. 北京山区沟域经济发展的空间组织模式

    The Spatial Structure of Valley Economy Development in the Mountainous Areas of Beijing

  2. 基于山区产业发展的北京沟域经济模式研究

    Valley Economy Development in Beijing Mountain Region

  3. 沟域经济是山区发展的新模式,基本涵盖了沟域发展的各个层面,是独具山区发展特色的经济地理形态。

    Valley economy , featured by valley development , is a new mode in mountainous area development , and prenents a distinguishing economic geographic pattern .

  4. 北京沟域经济是一种将沟域内的旅游景点、文化村庄、观光园区、特色产品等经济元素组合在一起多产业融合的产业新形态。

    Beijing ditch domain economy is a new industrial organization form which put domain tourist attractions , cultural village , sightseeing park and characteristic agricultural products together .

  5. 随着沟域经济的发展,现有土地利用现状己不能满足其对上地的需求,需要加快土地流转,实现规模集约化经营。

    Along with the development of economic ditch domain and huge land demand , the current land use status already cannot satisfy the needs of the land .

  6. 近几年,北京京郊为发展山区经济提出了沟域经济的发展模式,从而带动了山区经济的整体发展。

    In recent years , Beijing suburbs have developed a model of valley tourism to promote economy in mountain areas , thus boosting the overall economic development .

  7. 其研究结果可丰富和完善发达地区的山区沟域经济理论与实践研究,可为北京市山区沟域经济发展规划、产业规划及城乡一体化规划等提供科学的理论依据。

    The research results can enrich and perfect theory and practice study of valley economy , In addition They can provide scientific theory for developing planning , industry planning and rural integration planning of valley economy in Beijing .