
huī sè jīnɡ jì
  • grey economy
  1. 世界银行和其余国际组织估计灰色经济至少和官方经济持平。

    The World Bank and other international financial institutions estimate the grey economy to be at least equal to that of the official economy .

  2. 灰色经济系统的盈亏平衡分析

    The Profit And Loss Analysis For Grey Economic Syste

  3. 这种灰色经济(大部分是现金)的实际总量很难精确计算,因为这些钱并没有经手过任何税收部门或者银行组织。

    The actual size of this grey-largely cash-economy is difficult to calculate since the money does not pass through the hands of tax authorities or the banking sector .

  4. 虽然世界各国对给予网络安全严重威胁的病毒、木马等恶意程序高度的重视,但对隐藏在巨大灰色经济利益下的恶意程序来说,仍然显得力不从心。

    Although all countries in the world have paid a very attention on network viruses , Trojans and other malicious programs which threat the network security . However under enormous hidden economic interests from malicious programs , all endeavors seem to be weak .

  5. 优化的灰色方法在经济系统分析中的应用

    Research of Economic Systems Analysis Using Optimized Gray Method

  6. 基于灰色与计量经济模型的用电最优组合预测

    Research on Optimal Combined Prediction of Power Consumption Based on Econometric and Gray Model

  7. 灰色波形预测在经济周期波动中的应用

    Application of Grey Wave Forecasting to Economic Cycle Analysis

  8. 本文以课题的工作实践为背景,介绍几种灰色模型在农业经济系统分析中的应用。

    In this paper , we introduce the further applications of some gery system mothods in analysis of agricultural economic systems , based the background of our practice .

  9. 这一章主要阐述研究的目的和意义,说明研究的技术关键;对研究的理论基础进行分析,从投资乘数、灰色系统、计量经济和投入产出理论四个方面提出具体的研究方法;

    This chapter mainly expatiates the aim and meaning of research , explains the technical linchpin , analyzes the theoretical basic , and brings forward material research methods from four aspects , which is investment multiplier , gray system , and computation economy and input output theory .

  10. 本文就试图从优化的灰色预测方法和优化的灰色评估方法在经济系统分析中的作用这一问题提出一些思路。

    This thesis try to put forward some ideas about the effects of optimized grey forecasting method and grey evaluating method in the economy system analysis .