
  1. 他擅长于中国房地产市场的灰色交易,在很多城市以低价租赁到了店面。

    He proved to be an adept operator in China 's murky property markets , adding low-cost leases in numerous cities .

  2. 欺骗、诺言和台下的灰色交易会破坏、甚至导致世界上最大的一家公司的破产。

    Cheating , lies , and murky off-sheet deals devastated and led to the bankruptcy of one of the largest companies in the world .

  3. 这些人被控足球腐败,他们20年来一直在进行灰色交易,收受贿赂总计1亿5千万美元(9亿3千万人民币)。

    These people have been accused of corrupting the sport through two decades of shadowy dealing and $ 150 million ( 930 million yuan ) in bribes .

  4. 然而,很多高校都十分担心这种灰色交易将会对就业协议的信誉造成影响。

    Trouble for everyone Many universities , however , are acutely worried about the effects that this shadow market will have on the reputation of these agreements .

  5. 但贫困城镇是否有更多灰色的不正当交易呢?

    But do deprived towns see far more off-the-books wheeling-dealing ?