
  • 网络Trading Clearing House;exchange clearinghouse
  1. 经纪商担心失去面向客户的销售机会,而香港交易及结算所(hkex)有更大的问题需要面对。

    Brokers are worried about losing client sales opportunities but Hong Kong Exchanges and clearing has bigger issues to face .

  2. 让衍生品交易通过结算所结算的提议是明智的。

    The proposal to route derivatives trading via clearing houses is sensible .

  3. 现职东亚银行顾问,也是香港交易及结算所有限公司选任的独立非执行董事。

    Currently working for Bank of East Asia as a part-time consultant , T.C.Chan is also an elected Independent Non-executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited .

  4. 市场的波动性也吸引了银行和对冲基金,而记录交易的结算所数量的不断增加,也使银行和基金相信,此类交易将会以有序和成本高效率的方式进行。

    The volatility of the market has also attracted banks and hedge funds , while the growing number of clearing houses , which log the trades , have at the same time reassured these banks and funds that deals will be transacted in an orderly and cost-efficient way .

  5. 交易也必须在结算所或交易所进行。

    Trading must also be placed in clearing houses or exchanges .

  6. 2008年金融危机过后,金融改革席卷美欧,要求在衍生品交易中更多使用结算所的改革也在冲击着亚洲。

    The financial reforms that have gripped the US and Europe since the 2008 financial crisis , especially those requiring greater use of clearing houses in derivatives markets , are also washing up in Asia .

  7. 有一点值得注意,不论在银行资本要求方面,还是让银行间的衍生品场外交易转入交易所交易并在结算所结算的做法,银行业的“后卫”行动都是失败的。

    It is notable that , both for banks " capital requirements , and the move from derivatives being traded over-the-counter among banks to trading on exchanges and settling within clearing houses , the industry 's rearguard action has failed .

  8. 欧盟已经通过法律,将对掉期交易实施类似改革&让交易通过结算所进行结算,使其更加透明和安全。

    The EU has passed laws that will implement similar changes to swaps trading – making it more transparent and safer by pushing trades through clearing houses .

  9. 欧盟已经通过法律,将对掉期交易实施类似改革——让交易通过结算所进行结算,使其更加透明和安全。

    The EU has passed laws that will implement similar changes to swaps trading - making it more transparent and safer by pushing trades through clearing houses .