
jiāo tōng
  • traffic;transportation;communications;association;unobstructed;collude with
交通 [jiāo tōng]
  • (1) [traffic]∶往来通达

  • 阡陌交通。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 叶叶相交通。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [association]∶交往

  • 旁推交通。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  • (3) [collude with]∶勾结

交通[jiāo tōng]
  1. 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。

    We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution .

  2. 延误完全是因为交通拥挤。

    The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic .

  3. 早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。

    Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident .

  4. 他们住在公共交通条件很差的地区。

    They live in an area ill served by public transport .

  5. 北行车道的交通完全堵塞。

    Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill .

  6. 近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  7. 有关一起恶性交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。

    News of a serious road accident is just coming in .

  8. 目的就是教育大众注意交通安全。

    The object is to educate people about road safety .

  9. 警方今天开展了一场减少道路交通事故的运动。

    Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents .

  10. 别在交通高峰期间出行。

    Don 't travel at rush hour / in the rush hour .

  11. 事故过去后很长时间交通才恢复畅通。

    The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident .

  12. 交通堵塞是因为一辆卡车掉下了货物。

    The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load .

  13. 目的是缓解高峰期间的交通状况。

    The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods .

  14. 飞行员得到空中交通管制站发出的着陆许可。

    The pilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control .

  15. 本市现在提供从市中心到体育场的免费交通。

    The city is providing free transportation to the stadium from downtown .

  16. 这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。

    The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town .

  17. 交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。

    The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer .

  18. 目的就是教育人们注意交通安全。

    The object is to educate people about road safety .

  19. 他开车时全然不顾交通法规。

    He drove with blithe disregard for the rules of the road .

  20. 交通状况很差,尤其是在市中心。

    Traffic is bad , particularly in the city centre .

  21. 大雪导致道路上交通一片混乱。

    Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads .

  22. 人们厌烦这么多的交通堵塞。

    People are fed up with all these traffic jams .

  23. 交通嘈杂,我听不见她的声音。

    I couldn 't hear her above the noise of the traffic .

  24. 新机场将改善岛屿间的交通联系。

    The new airport will improve communications between the islands .

  25. 今夜闹市区交通繁忙。

    There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight .

  26. 上午8、9点钟之间是交通高峰期。

    Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning .

  27. 所有重要的交叉路口都安装了交通信号灯。

    Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections .

  28. 在上下班高峰时间,城市的交通混乱不堪。

    The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour .

  29. 每七次交通事故就有一次是驾车者困倦造成的。

    One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers .

  30. 与普遍的看法相反,妇女交通肇事比男人少。

    Contrary to popular belief , women cause fewer road accidents than men .