
  • 网络transaction cost;Transaction Cost Theory
  1. 从概念部分的解析开始介绍,对古典经济学的MM理论、权衡理论和交易成本理论展开说明并回归到与家电连锁零售企业的关系之上。

    Start with the concept , it introduces the classical economics like MM theory , the Balance Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory , then it comes back to the relationships of both the theory above and the household electrical appliances chain-retail enterprises .

  2. 交易成本理论(Williamson,1991;Teece,1986;Casson,1987;Coase,1937)则从节约交易成本和管理控制成本的角度,提出战略联盟相对于市场和内部层级结构的优势。

    Transaction cost theory ( Williamson , 1991 ; Teece , 1986 ; Casson , 1987 ; Coase , 1937 ) analyzes the advantage of SAs relative to market and hierarchy from the angle of transaction cost and management control cost reduction .

  3. 同时利用交易成本理论对协作RD网络进行经济学研究,并由此描绘了协作RD网络形成流程。

    Meanwhile using the transaction cost economic theory to do economic research on the cooperative R & D , and describe the forming process .

  4. 第二部分以交易成本理论为工具分析了ERP财务模块如何对企业的组织成本和企业的经济规模产生影响;

    The second part Probe into the transaction cost economic meaning of financial module in the ERP . It is analyses that how the financial module in ERP effect organizing cost and economic scale of enterprise .

  5. 因此,自Demsetz(1968)的开创性研究以来,交易成本理论受到越来越多的重视,并成为金融理论研究的热点之一。

    Consequently , since the innovative researches by Demsetz ( 1968 ), the theory of transaction cost has been drawing more and more attention and has become one of the hot topics in the researches in finance theory .

  6. 运用中间组织理论、交易成本理论、资源依赖理论、动态能力理论和KBT理论、博弈论等剖析了联盟网络形成的原因以及它在稳定企业合作关系方面的作用。

    The forming cause of Alliance network is analyzed by using the middle organization theory , the transaction cost theory , resources-based theory , dynamic ability theory and knowledge-based theory , game theory etc. Meanwhile , the steady function of Alliance network is analyzed in the collaboration .

  7. 基于交易成本理论的港口物流联盟模式分析

    Mode analysis of port logistic alliance based on transaction cost theory

  8. 基于交易成本理论的森林碳汇交易研究

    Study on the Forest Carbon-Sink Trade Based on the Transaction Cost Theory

  9. 科斯的交易成本理论包括交易成本和科斯定理。

    Transaction costs theory of Coase includes transaction costs and Coase theory .

  10. 虚拟企业:一种基于交易成本理论的分析

    An Analysis of the Virtual Enterprise Based on the Transaction Cost Theory

  11. 交易成本理论与土地登记制度的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Transaction Cost Theory and Land Registration System

  12. 从交易成本理论角度看白酒产业集群发展

    The analysis of liquor industry cluster by transaction cost theory

  13. 基于交易成本理论的人力资源外包业发展战略研究

    Development Strategy Research of Human Resources Outsourcing Industry Based on Transaction Costs Theory

  14. 第二章是理论综述,主要研究营销渠道发展困境与交易成本理论。

    The second chapter summarizes the theory about market channel and transaction cost .

  15. 威廉姆森交易成本理论述评

    Review on the Williamson 's Theory of Transaction Costs

  16. 外商投资独资化倾向的动因分析&基于交易成本理论视角

    An Analysis on the Cause of the Individual Tendency about Foreign Direct Investment

  17. 交易成本理论:一个研究乡镇企业空间布局的新视角

    Exchange Costing Theory & A new angle of study rural industry spatial pattern

  18. 交易成本理论的最新发展与超越

    On the Latest Development of the Theory of Transaction Cost and its Contribution

  19. 网络经济下企业的边界:交易成本理论分析

    The Organizational Boundary in Network Economy : An Analysis of Theory of Transaction Cost

  20. 我们的分析补充和完善了企业的交易成本理论。

    The author analysis complement and perfect the theory about transaction cost of enterprises .

  21. 基于交易成本理论的工程合同类型与交易成本探讨

    Discussion on transaction cost based on characteristics of contacts and theories of transaction cost

  22. 从交易成本理论假设出发,认为企业技术创新模式的选择会受到技术性质的影响。

    Considers that the selection of technical innovation ' modes is affected by technical characters .

  23. 关于战略联盟的大多数研究都是沿袭传统的交易成本理论。

    Most studies about strategic alliance have followed traditional theories such as transaction cost analysis .

  24. 交易成本理论下的企业文化模型分析

    A Culture Model Under Transactional Cost Theory

  25. 供应链成本管理的理论基础包括委托代理理论、精益成本管理理论、交易成本理论等,管理方法主要有目标成本法、作业成本法、产品生命周期成本法等。

    And the management methods include object costing , activity-based costing and product life-cycle costing .

  26. 交易成本理论是一种经济学分析方法,将它应用于分析营销渠道的优化问题具有特殊意义。

    The thesis investigate the problem of channel optimization from the theory of transaction cost .

  27. 基于交易成本理论的物流模式选择及物流纵向一体化演进

    Choice of Logistics Mode and Evolution of Logistics Longitudinal Integration Based on Transaction Cost Theory

  28. 交易成本理论的现实意义

    On Significance of Transaction Costs Theory

  29. 经济学基础主要包括公共选择理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论。

    The former basis includes Public Choice Theory , Principal Agent Theory and Transaction Cost Theory .

  30. 第五章主要是从交易成本理论出发探索营销渠道优化的策略。

    The last chapter probes into the channel optimization strategy from the theory of transaction cost .