
  • 网络trading account;Transaction Account;trading book
  1. 借记卡与信用卡相似,但记入交易账户(支票账户)借方,转账与用户购物同时发生。

    A card that resembles a credit card but which debits a transaction account ( cheque account ) with the transfers occurring contemporaneously with the customers'purchases .

  2. 其次,国内市场化进程不断深入,利率市场化逐步加深,汇率机制改革日益完善,使得商业银行的传统账户和交易账户面临着市场波动造成的贷款非违约性损失。

    Second , the domestic market process further , interest rate marketization deepened step by step , exchange rate mechanism reform is increasingly perfect , make commercial bank account and the traditional transaction account are facing market fluctuations caused by the breach of the loan losses .

  3. 对投机性泡沫的担忧主要集中在个人交易账户的保证金借款(margindebt)水平过高上。

    Worries about speculative froth are focused on high levels of margin debt in retail trading accounts .

  4. 为了有资格获得奖金,推荐人必须有一个活跃的OneFinancialMarkets的交易账户,并且最低账户余额达到500美元。

    In order to qualify for the bonus , the referrer must have an active One Financial Markets trading account with a minimum account balance of $ 500 .

  5. 外管局于8月20日宣布了这项名为港股直通车的新计划,该计划要求投资者必须在中国银行(BankofCHina)天津分行开立交易账户。天津是中国东部城市。

    The new scheme , known as the through-train to Hong Kong stocks was announced by SAFE on August 20 and required investors to open trading accounts with Bank of China 's branch in the eastern city of Tianjin .

  6. 中国官方的新华社(Xinhuanewsagency)上周报道称,在中国农历新年之后的2周内,中国A股市场新开设了逾100万个交易账户。

    The official Xinhua News Agency reported last week that more than 1m trading accounts were opened on China 's A-share market in the two weeks after the Chinese New Year .

  7. 华尔街高管们表示,最近几周,以美联储(fed)为首的监管机构一直在要求各大银行提供其资产负债表的分类细目,注意力重点放在其交易账户上。

    Wall Street executives said that regulators , led by the Federal Reserve , had been asking major banks in recent weeks to provide a detailed breakdown of their balance sheets , with particular attention to their trading books .

  8. 去年8月,中国国家外汇管理局(safe)宣布了“港股直通车”计划,打算允许个人通过在中国银行(boc)天津分行开设交易账户购买港股。

    Last August , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced plans for the " through train " scheme to allow individuals to buy Hong Kong shares by opening trading accounts with Bank of China in the port city of Tianjin .

  9. 根据英国金融服务管理局(fsa)的计划,今后英国大型银行将必须详细说明,危机到来时会出售哪些业务以获得紧急资金,并且必须能够在倒闭后60天内完成交易账户的清算。

    Large UK banks will have to spell out what businesses they would sell to raise emergency funds and allow them to wind up their trading books within 60 days of a collapse under the plans by UK Financial Services Authority .

  10. 您的模拟交易账户已经开通,有效期为30天。

    Your demo account has been opened with a validity period of30 days .

  11. 我国商业银行交易账户的划分与监管

    Partition and Regulation of Commercial Bank 's Exchange Account

  12. 不过,这项计划可能会改善银行交易账户的可怕状况。

    Yet the scheme may improve the dire state of banks ' trading books .

  13. 知情人士表示,比特币交易账户必须在4月15日前关闭。

    The accounts must be shut down by April 15 , the people said .

  14. 今年1月,国内新开设股票交易账户138万个&平均每个工作日6.9万个。

    In January , 1.38m share trading accounts opened - 69,000 every working day .

  15. 其次是交易账户上按市值计算的未实现利润,尤其流动性不强的交易工具。

    Second , unrealised mark-to-market profits on the trading book , especially in illiquid instruments .

  16. 根据我的经验,小型外汇交易账户内的资金输光10次,实属正常。

    From my experience , 10 times wiping out from small forex trading account is normal .

  17. 2008年至2010年,高盛的交易账户平均回报为3.8%。

    From 2008 to 2010 , Goldman earned an average of 3.8 % on its trading book .

  18. 输入6位数账户密码后,电话交易账户即已开通。

    Insert the six digits password for the account and then the account for dealings by telephone opens .

  19. 在2000年至2001年的上次牛市高点,中国大约有6000万个交易账户。

    At the height of the last bull market in 2000-2001 , there were about 60m trading accounts .

  20. 自那之后,新增交易账户超过1700万,其中许多账户可能处于亏损状态。

    Since then , more than 17m new trading accounts have been opened , many of which would be showing losses .

  21. 其中包括2005年美国汽车制造商失去“投资级”评级时,华尔街的交易账户受到的影响。

    These include the effect on Wall Street trading books in 2005 when US carmakers lost their investment grade rating status .

  22. 麦格理表示,单单5月头两周,中国投资者新开股票交易账户就高达近500万个。

    Chinese investors opened almost 5m new share trading accounts in the first two weeks of May alone , Macquarie said .

  23. 具体文件格式可参考附件一,融资融券交易账户报备表。

    Specific format of documents may refer to annex I , report form for accounts of financed funds and capitals transactions .

  24. 股市上涨引来了数以百万计的散户,新开交易账户的速度创下新高。

    That has drawn in millions of retail punters , who have been opening new trading accounts at a record pace .

  25. 与此同时,最近几个月,中国内地投资者一直在迅速开设股票交易账户并将资金投入股市。

    Meanwhile , in recent months mainland investors have been rapidly owning equity trading accounts and putting money into the stock market .

  26. 中国的散户投资者上个月新开了37万个股票交易账户,创下三年多来的月度总高。

    Retail investors in China opened 370,000 stock trading accounts last month , the highest monthly total in more than three years .

  27. 将于9月结束的公开征求意见,是监管机构旨在改变交易账户资本规则的第二次努力。

    The consultation , which closes in September , is the second stage of a push to change trading book capital rules .

  28. 交易账户的设立是商业银行市场风险管理的前提和基础之一。

    The establishment of the trade account is the prerequisite and one of the foundations for the commercial banks ' risk management .

  29. 上周发布的官方数据显示,在1亿多个股票交易账户中,只有4300万个账户真正有股票。

    Official figures released this week showed that only 43m of the more than 100m equity trading accounts actually owned any shares .

  30. 今年初以来,中国内地股票交易账户一直在以每周100万户的速度增长。

    Chinese have been opening new stock trading accounts at the rate of about 1m a week since the start of the year .