
  • 网络Transportation allowance;Transportation subsidies;traffic allowance;TRAVEL ALLOWANCE
  1. 本文结合国外的发展经验与我国自身的国情,提出了完善我国公共交通补贴的若干对策。

    This essay proposes some countermeasures to improve the public traffic allowance policy according to the international experience together with the national conditions .

  2. 每个走进精子银行填写资料的申请者将会获得50元交通补贴。

    Every walk-in applicant will have 50 yuan of transportation allowance .

  3. 高薪、交通补贴、带薪假期。

    High salaries , travel allowances , and paid vacations .

  4. 雇员出差旅行可得到交通补贴。

    Employees get a mileage allowance for business travel .

  5. 要求非实物奖励比如假期和交通补贴

    Ask about intangibles like vacation and transportation costs

  6. 如果我开自己的车跑业务,我将得到每英里40便士的交通补贴。

    If I use my own car for company business , I get a mileage allowance of40p per mile .

  7. 我们有健康保险,人寿保险,交通补贴,午餐补贴和住房补贴。

    Well , we have health insurance , endowment insurance , transportation allowances , luncheon allowances , and subsidized housing .

  8. 此外,你每年可休一个月的带薪假。高薪、交通补贴、带薪假期。

    Besides you may have a paid month holiday every year . High salaries , travel allowances , and paid vacations .

  9. 如果你使用了这项福利,那么你就得不到公司提供的其他交通补贴,比如每月公交或火车接送。

    If you use the bike benefit , you can 't get any other transit benefit your company may offer , like money for your monthly bus or train pass .

  10. 对于中国大陆的员工来说,“我更看重加薪、交通补贴或者住房补贴。”

    As to the employees in mainland China , " I would rather have a salary increase , daily commute subsidies or help with my housing plan than any other benefits . "

  11. 在亚运会开幕前夕,广州市宣布取消免费乘坐公交的优惠政策,每个户籍家庭将领到150元的现金交通补贴。

    Each household with permanent residence registration in Guangzhou will be offered 150 yuan in cash subsidies for commuting purposes after local authorities scrapped a move to make public transport free ahead of the upcoming Asian Games .

  12. 员工眼中最接近2500元加薪的福利是2500元的交通补贴和价值2500元的住房补贴。

    The benefits that come closest to delivering the same perceived value to employees as a salary increase are a ¥ 2500 increase in employer contribution toward daily commute costs and a supplementary employer contribution of ¥ 2500 to the housing program .

  13. 年金中包括50镑交通费补贴

    The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures .

  14. 国外城市公共交通财政补贴政策研究

    Study of urban public transportation finance subsidy policy abroad

  15. 公共交通运营补贴:北京交通大学经济管理学院,交通经济的理论、政策和工业经济的相关发展2007学术研讨会,北京

    Operating subsidies in public transport ; Beijing Jiaotong University , School of Economics and Management

  16. 例如在法国,收取公共交通税来补贴公交系统;美国采取法律手段来优先发展公共交通。

    For example , in France , public traffic tax is collected to be the allowance for bus system ; America takes legal measure to preferentially develop public traffic .

  17. 城市轨道交通的财政补贴机制在短期、中期、长期的侧重点各不相同,本文着重研究在长期中政府应如何对城市轨道交通进行补贴。

    The financial subsidy mechanism of urban rail transit is different among short , medium and long-term . This paper focuses on how the Government should arrange subsidies in the long term .

  18. 他们还大幅削减了对公共事业和交通运输的政府补贴。

    They 've also slashed state subsidies to utilities and transportation .

  19. 提出了合理解决城市郊区公共交通定价和财政补贴的方法和思路,明确了城市郊区发展走公共交通引导城市化的战略思想。

    And Put forward the reasonable solve city suburbs public transportation pricing and financial subsidies methods and ideas , made clear the development of urban outskirts go public transportation guide urbanization strategy .

  20. 本文在分析我国现行补贴制度缺陷的基础上,提出如何保证公共交通企业在得到补贴的同时最大限度的提高生产效率,是补贴制度是否有效的关键。

    Based on the analysis on the deficiency of the present national subsidy system , this article suggests that whether the subsidy system is effective or not largely depends on how to extremely improve the productive efficiency ensuring that the public traffic transportation gets appropriate subsidy .

  21. 城市轨道交通的固有属性决定了城市轨道交通需要政府进行补贴,其中,在轨道交通的建设及运营前期所需要的补贴数额较大。

    The inherent attribute of urban rail transit determines that it needs government subsidies . In the section of construction and pre-operation , the rail transit required larger amount of subsidy .