
  • 网络Economic welfare;economic well-being
  1. 2007年之后,美国的经济福利依然在增长,但提升速度明显放缓。

    Since 2007 , economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve .

  2. 琼斯-克列诺研究给予了我们方法上的启示,那就是经济福利是多维度的。

    Methodologically , the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional .

  3. 假设我们想对比2005年美国人和法国人民享有的经济福利。

    Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the U.S. and France in 2005 .

  4. 根据这种方法,从2000年初到2005年,美国一直是大国中经济福利最好的。

    According to this measure , as of the early-to-mid-2000s , the U.S. had the highest economic welfare of any large country .

  5. 例如,在这种计算方法指导下,英联邦的经济福利达到了美国的97%,而墨西哥只达到了美国的22%。

    For example , this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97 % of U.S. levels , but estimates Mexican well-being at 22 % .

  6. 正当我们思考这一问题时,碰巧查尔斯·琼斯和皮特·克列诺最近发表了一篇文章,提出了一种新的有趣的衡量经济福利的计算方法。

    While thinking about the question , we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow , which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare .

  7. 绿色GDP是在SNA核算体系的基础上,对外部影响因素和自然资源进行综合考虑而得出的新的GDP,代表着一个国家或地区更综合的经济福利水平。

    Green GDP considers external influencing factors and natural resources on the basic of SNA , representing for more general welfare level . China is in the interim of revolution toward new SNA and SEEA .

  8. 炮制所谓的回暖苗头,V形复苏和其他各种伎俩的人更关心的是你的选票、消费、购买高价股票和每日交易,而不是你的长期经济福利。

    Talk of green shoots , V-shaped recovery , and assorted other tricks were designed by those who are more interested in your vote , your spending , your purchasing overpriced securities , and your daily trading than your long term economic well being .

  9. 一个重要的原因是,各国政府着眼于提高一个定义狭隘、以物质为本的经济福利衡量指标,即国民生产总值(gnp),而非一个更全面的基于幸福的福利指标。

    An important reason is that governments have aimed to maximise a narrowly defined materially based measure of economic welfare , gross national product , rather than a more holistic indicator of welfare based on happiness .

  10. 中国经济福利的动态及社会福利的可持续改善研究

    Economic Welfare Dynamic and Sustainable Development of Social Welfare in China

  11. 而医疗卫生领域的的改革目标则是健康福利最大化,与经济福利并不是一回事。

    The health welfare is different from the economic welfare .

  12. 我国对外贸易经济福利模型研究

    Research on the Economic Welfare Model of Chinese Foreign Trade

  13. 幸福;繁荣经济福利的损失不大,这是因为人口也会向北方大量迁移。

    Welfare losses are small because there are big movements of people northward .

  14. 经济福利、弹性与政府政策

    Economic Welfare , Elasticity and Government 's Policies

  15. 供需特征、替代效应与经济福利&对中国电视活动营销的理论解析

    An Analysis on TV Events Marketing in China

  16. 当对外贸易是在增加我国经济福利的前提下,发展对外贸易才是正确的。

    Foreign trade can only be developed when it can increase the economic welfare .

  17. 天津保税区社会经济福利水平的实证评价

    A Positive Appreciation on the Social and Economic Welfare Level of the Tianjin Bonded Area

  18. 非正常的垄断会破坏资源的合理配置,损害社会经济福利。

    The abnormal monopoly destroys the rational resource distribution and damages the social economic welfare .

  19. 可维持的经济福利量

    Maintainable economic welfare amount

  20. 随着经济福利、物质文明的增进,人们对精神利益也日益重视。

    With the improvement of economic benefits and material civilization , spiritual interests have been paid much attention to .

  21. 广义的社会福利理论则认为,人们的福利除了经济福利之外,还应包括政治福利和文化福利;

    Broad social welfare theory thinks the welfare should consist of political and cultural welfare in addition to economic aspect .

  22. 我国卫生经济福利性、公益性的基本属性,决定了医患关系的非经济性和不平等性。

    The public welfare property of health economy in our country determines that the relationship is non-economical as well as unequal .

  23. 1809年,她发明了一种编织稻草帽的方法,这种方法成为了新英格兰的经济福利。

    In 1809 , she developed a way of weaving straw into hats that was an economic boon for New England .

  24. 第四部分,运用福利经济学及西方经济学的理论分析了逆差对中国经济福利和企业的影响。

    The fourth part analyzes the influence of the deficit to the economy of China applying the welfare economics and economics .

  25. 随后依据2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据对西北地区省际人口流动的经济福利效应进行实证分析。

    Then the article empirically analyzes the economic welfare effects of the northwest Inter-provincial flow based on2005National1 % Population Sample Survey data .

  26. 农地整理不仅为农户带来了经济福利,还增加了农户非经济福利。

    Rural land consolidation not only brings the economic benefits for rural households , but also increases the rural households ' non-economic benefits .

  27. 对竞争必然促进经济福利的盲目信念也使其忽视了对经济生活中经常存在的过度竞争现象的研究。

    The blind faith in the fact that competition will invariably lead to greater economic welfare also avoids studies on excessive competition in economic life .

  28. 庇古认为,更平等的分配制度可以提高经济福利,同时他也是福利国家的早期倡导者。

    Pigou held that more equal distribution of income was likely to increase economic welfare , and was an early advocate of the welfare state .

  29. 而管网覆盖率和社会经济福利的关系也类似,对于普遍服务市场的网络普及率与社会福利之间的关系,取决于两市场相对的边际成本大小。

    The relationships between pipe network coverage and socio-economic welfare was also similar . It depends on the relative marginal cost size of the two markets .

  30. 贸易自由化以后我国农业部门应该基于比较优势原则进口土地密集型产品,出口劳动密集型产品,实现贸易交换的经济福利。

    Based on the principle of comparative advantage , we will import more land-intensive agri-productions and export labor-intensive productions to achieve economic welfare from liberal trade .