
jīng jì rén
  • broker;agent;middleman
经纪人 [jīng jì rén]
  • [broker] 为买卖双方撮合或代他人进行买卖而取得佣金的人

经纪人[jīng jì rén]
  1. 他是高收入的经纪人,有花不完的钱。

    He was a high-earning broker with money to burn .

  2. 她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。

    She 's a hotshot broker on Wall Street .

  3. 一些好莱坞的经纪人一直追着想要他。

    Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him .

  4. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。

    The house was terribly small and cramped , but the agent described it as a bijou residence .

  5. 经纪人应以最大的努力来推动其演艺人的事业发展。

    The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist 's career .

  6. 许多经纪人被指控在商品交易中欺骗顾客。

    Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades .

  7. 找股票经纪人之前,先要做好必要的准备工作。

    Before you go near a stockbroker , do your homework .

  8. 股票经纪人降低了他们的利润预期之后,股价下跌了11便士至293便士。

    Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates

  9. 他看起来不像是青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人。

    He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol .

  10. 杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。

    Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections .

  11. 股票经纪人预计股市会充斥着这种股票。

    Brokers expect the markets to be flooded with the shares

  12. 大部分的股份是从经纪人手中购得的。

    Most of those shares were purchased from brokers .

  13. 经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。

    Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year 's world championships

  14. 几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。

    Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company

  15. 一个经纪人购买了他的传记的出版权。

    An agent bought the rights to his life

  16. 没有证据表明该经纪人与进行诈骗的卖主狼狈为奸。

    There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor

  17. 我们和她的经纪人谈过了。他也是你的经纪人,对吧?

    We talked to her agent . He 's your agent , too , right ?

  18. 艺术经纪人能欺骗很多人。

    Art dealers fool a lot of people

  19. 经纪人对他们年轻放浪的形象和相伴而来的恣意纵酒的行为毫不担心。

    Their manager is unconcerned at the laddish image and the drinking that goes with it .

  20. 我的经纪人告诉我:“这将使你一举成名。”

    My agent told me , ' This 'll make your name a household word . '

  21. 卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。

    The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker

  22. 一些股票经纪人和银行职员串通一气,通过炒买炒卖赚了不少钱。

    Some stockbrokers , in collusion with bank officials , obtained large sums of money for speculation .

  23. 文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。

    Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business

  24. 由于我们经常游历在外,我和萨姆便请了一位经纪人代表我们处理事务。

    Because we travelled so much , Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf .

  25. 去年夏天,他辞掉做了10年的伦敦股票经纪人的工作,去了山区。

    Last summer , he chucked his 10-year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains .

  26. 许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。

    Many white-collar workers , like stock brokers and investment bankers , find themselves in the unemployment lines .

  27. 与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。

    After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part , on her terms

  28. 她的经纪人说:“如果她输了,她将首先会损失150万英镑。”

    Her manager said , ' It will cost her 1.5 million pounds for starters if she loses . '

  29. 他正在寻找房地产经纪人。

    He is looking for a real estate broker .

  30. 他是一名保险经纪人。

    He is an insurance broker .