
jīnɡ jì rén yònɡ jīn
  • brokerage fee;brokerage commission
  1. 举例,假设面值为10美元的债券以102%的价格购入,经纪人佣金5美元,应计利息为20美元。

    To illustrate , assume that a $ 10 bond is purchased at102 plus a brokerage fee of $ 5 and accrued interest of $ 20 .

  2. 债券的购入一般按成本(包括买价和经纪人佣金)计价。

    The purchase of bonds is generally recorded at cost ( including purchase price and brokerage commissions ) .

  3. 我们也希望转会市场对调低经纪人佣金以及银行利息会有正面的反应。

    We also hope the transfer market will get a positive injection from lower agent fees and lower interests .

  4. 债券的购入成本包括支付给卖方的金额以及其他的相关成本,如经纪人佣金等。

    The cost of bonds purchased includes the amount paid to the seller plus other costs related to the purchase , such as broker 's commission .

  5. 在网上进行股票交易无须按常规付经纪人佣金,从而使投资者得以更为长期轻松地买卖股票。

    Broker 's commission to deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of the regular broker 's Commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly .

  6. 也就是说,他们把借款人的贷款利率较高,他们可能会比其他的资格,因为作出更大的经纪人佣金,所谓的“收益率差的保费,”这样做。

    That is , they put borrowers in loans with higher interest rates than they could otherwise qualify for , because the brokers make greater commissions , called " yield spread premiums ," by doing so .

  7. 这些自由的经纪人的佣金用于执行交易和研究的花费,客户可以用来从第三方购买服务。

    These unbundle brokers ' commissions into costs for executing trades and costs for research , which clients can use to buy services from third parties .

  8. 除此之外,抵押贷款需求也呈下降趋势,花旗集团分析师指出,部分香港银行为争取业务已经开始增加给经纪人的佣金分成。

    Furthermore , demand for mortgages is declining , with analysts at Citigroup pointing out that some Hong Kong banks have been increasing commissions to brokers to win more business .

  9. 抵押贷款经纪人的佣金,是来自为寻求修缮住房的职业夫妇提供各种明智的选择,还是劝说一对老年夫妇办理他们负担不起的转按揭贷款?

    Did the mortgage broker make his fees by offering a variety of sensible options to the professional couple who were looking to upgrade their house , or did he do so by urging an elderly couple to refinance into a mortgage they could not afford ?

  10. 并论述了在英美法下租船经纪人在诉求佣金时所遇到的合同相对性问题以及解决该问题的做法。

    It also discusses the issue of privity of contract that chartered shipbrokers meet when they claim for commission under Anglo-American Law , and how to solve it as well .

  11. 折扣经纪人收取较低佣金,但不提供投资顾问的股票经纪人。

    Discount broker a stockbroker who charges a reduced commission , but provides no investment advice .

  12. 但是股票经纪人经常是通过佣金来显示工资。这样可以减少性别歧视,这样可以只通过能力来发薪水。

    But stockbrokers are usually paid through commissions - which should reduce gender inequality , as income would be based solely on ability .

  13. 最后,因为有经纪人参与的物业在市场上停留的平均时间较短,所以第三种理论假设卖方急于拿到钱,因而愿意支付经纪人的佣金,却不愿意提供卖方融资。

    Lastly , because the average time on the market is lower for brokered properties , the third theory predicts that the sellers in these deals may need money quickly and therefore be willing to pay the brokerage commission but not willing to provide vendor-to-buyer financing .