
  • 网络economic innovation
  1. CHRISTIANNECORBETT:“总体来说,增加职业的多样性可以得出更好的结果,使科学得到进步。对于全国的经济创新,生产力和竞争力来说,扩充和发展科学和工程领域也是非常关键的。”

    CHRISTIANNE CORBETT : " Increasing in professions leads to better products , better science , just generally . And expanding and developing this science and engineering workforce is critical to the nation 's economic innovation and productivity and competitiveness . "

  2. 西部地区的经济创新与跨越式发展

    The Economic Innovation and Development in Western China

  3. 新时期军事经济创新初探

    Bringing forward the new ideas of Military Economics in the new period

  4. 第二届中国民营经济创新国际论坛会议综述

    A Review of the 2nd Innovation International Seminar of China Private Economy

  5. 基于资源稀缺度的企业循环经济创新与生存发展模型研究

    Enterprise Circular Economy Innovation and Survival Development Mode based on Resources Scarcity Degree

  6. 区域经济创新网络正在对全球经济发展产生重要影响。

    Innovation network of the district economy is bringing about important influence on economic development .

  7. 除了努力振奋公众情绪外,罗斯福还推出了众多经济创新举措。

    In addition to working to elevate the public mood , Roosevelt introduced many economic innovations .

  8. 改革国有资产管理体制,提高国有经济创新力;

    To reform the management system of state-owned assets and improve the innovative force of the state-owned economy ;

  9. 美国专利制度初探&制度演进与美国经济创新的历史考察

    Preliminarily Exploring American Patent System & The Historical Observation of the Progressing of the System and Innovation of the American Economy

  10. 主要是构建了基于9个一级指标涵盖54项二级指标的循环经济创新评价指标体系,并用于实证分析。

    A circular economy innovation evaluation performance index system which includes nine first level indexes and fifty-two second level indexes . The system is analyzed by one demonstration .

  11. 28.我们认识到,经济创新发展、改革与增长三者互补互进,将决定亚太经合组织共同繁荣的前景。

    28 . We realize that the prospects for the shared prosperity of APEC will depend on innovative development , economic reform and growth in the region , which are complementary and mutually reinforcing .

  12. 本文提出制度悖论导致了中国目前经济创新动力的退化和深层次矛盾的增加,导致了分配领域严重的紊乱和两极分化的加剧。

    This paper points out that system paradox leads to decline of creation , tension of in-depth contradictions of China 's current economy , serious confusion in distribution and the widening gap between the rich and poor .

  13. 世界上的发达国家正试图利用此次全球多重危机中的机遇,通过低碳经济创新所形成的新的竞争优势,把那些还在高碳经济发展道路上行进的发展中国家远远抛在后面。

    The developed nations are attempting to take the opportunity of this multiplication of global crises to gain competitive advantage in the low-carbon economy and leave the less-developed far behind who is running in the road to high-carbon development .

  14. 经济创新组织在2016年开展了一项覆盖1200名千禧一代的调查,他们发现千禧一代中现在有更多的人相信自己可以靠在公司上班、向上爬职场阶梯来获得一份成功的事业,而不必去另谋生路。

    A survey of 1200 Millennials conducted in 2016 by the Economic Innovation Group found that more Millennials believed they could have a successful career by staying at one company and attempting to climb the ladder than by founding a new one .

  15. 从资源稀缺的角度出发,在定义了资源稀缺度的基础上探讨并构建了企业适应力模型,得出企业只有进行循环经济创新才能在资源稀缺的情况下生存和发展的结论。

    From the angle of resources scarcity , the article defines resources scarcity degree , explores and constructs enterprise adaptability , and draws a conclusion that only after enterprise conducts circular economy innovation can enterprise develop itself under the circumstances of resources scarcity .

  16. 就中国而言,风险投资还处于起步阶段,投资体系的不完善仍是制约中国高新技术产业化发展及民族经济创新能力的主要因素之一。

    As far as China is concerned , the risk_taking investment undertakings are still in the beginning stages , and imperfections of the investment system are still one of the chief factors which restrict the development of new_high technology industrialization and the blaze_new_trails capactiy of China economy .

  17. 国内外大学科技园建设实践表明,建立大学科技园,对推进产学研工作、培育创新文化和创新人才,促进区域经济创新发展有着积极的推动作用。

    The construction experience of university science and technology park home and abroad indicates that the establishment of university science and technology park can promote production , teaching and scientific research , cultivate innovative culture and talents , and also play a positive role in promoting regional economic development .

  18. 工会组织开展群众性经济技术创新活动浅议

    The Trade Union Develops the Activity of Mass Economic Technological Innovations

  19. 循环经济技术创新:特征比较与体系构建

    Circulation economy technology innovation : characteristics comparison and system construction

  20. 知识经济呼唤创新人才的培养。

    The knowledge economy is calling the cultivating of the creative talents .

  21. 开展经济技术创新增强企业发展后劲

    Blazing new trails in economy and technology , strengthening enterprise further development

  22. 农业龙头企业循环经济技术创新目标探析

    On New Strategic Target in Revolving Economic Technology of Agricultural Lead Enterprises

  23. 知识经济与创新型农业科技人才培养模式

    Knowledge economy and mode of training innovational agricultural scientific and technical talents

  24. 深化员工经济技术创新活动促进企业发展

    Deepening employee 's innovative activity of economic technology to promote enterprise development

  25. 政府经济职能创新的路径选择

    The Path Choice to Reform the Economic Function of Government

  26. 论经济技术创新工程的实现途径

    On Implementing Ways of Economy and Technology Innovation Project

  27. 知识经济与创新型师资培养刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Training Creative Teachers for Knowledge Economy

  28. 知识经济、创新与价值工程

    Knowledge - Based Economy , Innovation and Value Engineering

  29. 论实施群众性经济技术创新工程

    On Applying Mass Economy and Technology Innovation Project

  30. 经济理论创新探讨

    An Exploration of the Innovation of Economic Theory