
  1. 对投标中如何做好经济标工作的思考

    How to Do Economic Part of Bid

  2. 方法简单、快捷、经济,平均加标回收率为79.4%~102.1%,RSD为2.34%~5.72%,检测限为0.041~0.133ng/g。

    This method was simple , fast and economical . Recovery ranged between 79.4 % ~ 102.1 % and the relative standard deviation was between 2.34 % ~ 5.72 % . The limit detection was 0.041 ~ 0.133 ng / g.

  3. 而道德价值理性是一切合理有序的经济活动的价值标矢和理性基础。

    Moral rationality is the basis for all reasonable and orderly economic actitivities .

  4. 全美航空表示,总体来看,有9.5%的经济舱座位被标为精选。

    On the whole , US Airways says 9.5 % of its coach seats are labeled Choice .

  5. 美国经济是全球经济的导向标,从美国经济政策的频频改变也能体会到经济发展的前景不容乐观。

    The United States economy is the guider of global economy , it can realize that the foreground of economy development is not clear what we can see from the recently changes of the economy policies .