
  • 网络proprietor income
  1. 二是规范国有企业经营者收入管理办法,研究确定经营者与职工收入的合理比例。

    Second , regulate the income of state-owned enterprise management .

  2. 建立科学合理的经营者收入分配制度

    Constructing Scientific and Reasonable Earning and Distributing System of Operator

  3. 经营者收入分配机制创新论

    A New Outlook of the Manager 's Income Distribution Mechanism

  4. 国企经营者收入分配的激励和约束机制探讨

    Probe into the Incentive and Restricting System of the Income Distribution in State-owned Enterprises

  5. 年薪制和股权期权制是经营者收入分配制度的主要形式。

    So yearly salary system and incentive stock option are the main forms of manager income distribution system .

  6. 经营者收入分配具有鲜明的特点,主要是管理劳动的高智能性、承担的职责重、创造的业绩和贡献大;

    The distribution of a manager 's income has distinct characteristics , for the management is of high intelligence , heavy-laden , outstanding achievements and contributions .

  7. 资本与劳动、经营者收入差距过大是我国当前社会问题最引人注目的问题。

    The big income difference between the capital and labor and the business operators is the most noticeable problem among the social problems in China at present .

  8. 年薪制是经营者收入分配制度的具体表现形式,也是西方发达国家企业普遍采用的报酬激励制度。

    Yearly income system ( YIS ) embodies income distribution for the executives , and is also a remuneration incentive system generally adopted in the western developed countries .

  9. 我国国有企业经营者收入分配制度改革、发展速度缓慢,与快速发展的现代企业制度不相适应。

    The reform and the development of Income distribution system of managers in our state-owned enterprises are relatively lagged and don 't adapt to the modem enterprise system .

  10. 改制企业内部分配存在着分配方式非制度化、未实行最低工资保障、经营者收入不透明等问题,提出了规范劳动用工管理、加强对经营者收入监督等对应措施。

    There exist such problems as the lack of systems and no protective measures of low income , no transparency of managers in the interior distribution system of reformed enterpriser .

  11. 博弈分析发现选拔机制将导致激励机制难以发挥作用,即使将经营者收入与报告利润挂钩也难以阻止经营者的作假行为。

    Equilibriums of game show that the selecting mechanism will make the incentive ones difficult to play its roles , and false accounts can 't be stopped even manager 's income are hooked on the book profit .

  12. 同时,随着国企的改革、改制,一个不争的事实是国企经营者的收入水平不断攀升。

    Meanwhile , together with the reform and restructure of SOE , the operators ' income level is always rising which has been a disputable fact .

  13. 期权、期股的最大优点是将企业价值作为经营者个人收入函数的一个重要变量,从而作为一种长期激励约束机制,实现了所有者与经营者利益的一致性。

    It 's the most advantage of stock options and futures that it takes enterprise value as a important variable in function of manger income , and makes the interest of owner be consistent with that of manager as long-term encouraging and restraining mechanism .

  14. 个体经营者也把收入的一部分交给退休金计划。

    Self-employed workers also pay a portion of their earnings to the program .

  15. 能够利用全球化获得廉价劳动力并将产品出售给大市场的企业经营者,其收入的增长比一般人快得多。

    People running businesses that can take advantage of globalisation to source labour less expensively and sell to larger markets have seen their incomes rise far faster than incomes generally .

  16. 本文介绍了陕西省地矿局在地勘单位实行承包经营责任制的过程中,对承包经营者的个人收入分配问题,进行了分析探讨。

    While giving an account of the implementation of the contractual management responsibility system in geological and prospecting units of Shaanxi , the article discusses the personal income of contractors in distribution .

  17. 近年来,国有企业经营者与职工收入差距呈逐渐拉大趋势。国企职工工资水平低、增幅小,与社会平均工资渐行渐远。

    In recent years , the gap in the income distribution of the state-owned enterprises has been enlarged , and the salary of workers and staff members is lower than social average one .

  18. 进一步深化企业内部改革,尽快形成人员能进能出,经营者能上能下,收入能高能低的机制。

    We shall further deepen the internal reform of enterprises to form a mechanism under which the employees can enter or exit , the operators can move up or down , and the incomes can rise or fall .

  19. 目前场馆经营中,有很多不足以推广的方法和内容,在实际操作中很大部分经营者都陷于中等收入怪圈,甚至入不敷出,无法自我突破,无法形成有限的产业链和产业分布。

    Stadium business , not enough to promote the method and content , practice are most operators are trapped in a cycle of middle-income , or even to make ends meet , and not self-breakthrough , unable to form a limited industrial chains and distribution .

  20. 如何激励经营者的经营行为,如何把企业经营者的收入与其经营责任、经营风险与经营业绩相联系,必须尽快建立合理有效的激励约束机制。

    How to encourage executives ' behaviors , how to relate responsibility , risk and performance with executives ' income , an important way is to build a rational and effective system of encouragement and binding .

  21. 股票期权制能把企业经营者的责任、风险与利益结合起来,确保企业长远利益的实现,提高企业经营者的合法收入。

    The system of stock option can combine the managers ' sense of duty , risk and profits together so as to make sure that the long-term profit of enterprises can be met , and the legal income of the managers can be increased .