
  • Payslip;pay slip;salary slip;Paystub
  1. B:是的,工资条上面会列出你的工资总额,预扣的所得税,社会保险,其他扣款以及净收入额。

    B : Yes . It will state your gross salary , tax withhold , social security , other deducation , and net income .

  2. 每月的工资条还没捂热,银行卡里的钱就去了大半。

    Monthly wage of no secret hot , the money to the bank Carry over .

  3. 《最低工资条例》不适用于正处于获豁免学生雇用期的工作经验学员。

    The Minimum Wage Ordinance does not apply to a work experience student during a period of exempt student employment .

  4. 如果应聘者对之前的薪资说谎,可以要求他们提供最近的工资条或税后减免凭证。

    Request recent pay stubs or a tax return if you think the candidate is lying about their previous salary .

  5. 工资条上会列出你的工资总额,预扣所得税、社会保险,其他扣款及净收入。

    It will state your gross salary , tax withhold , social security , . Other deductions , and net income .

  6. 这位雇员仔细地检查他的工资条,确认公司给他的钱没有差错。

    EXAMPLE : The employee carefully examined his pay stub to make sure he was getting paid properly by his company .

  7. 看不见别人的工资条,我们又谈何知道自己薪酬过低呢?

    After all , we can 't know we are being paid less unless we know what everyone else is being paid .

  8. 系统功能有:查询、修改、统计、打印报表及工资条。

    Functions including inquire-ment , amendment , statistics and printing out the report forms and staff wage lists are considered in the system .

  9. 所有的每月账单和收据,工资条和其他任何收支记录。支票,存款或退休账单。

    All of your monthly bills and receipts , pay stubs and any other records of income and expenses . Statements for your checking , savings and retirement accounts .

  10. 但记住,老板很有可能问你要你工资条的复印件来核实,如果你虚报的话,那么雇主就会觉得你缺乏职业道德。

    However , some employers ask for a copy of your W2 , so you may want to be cautious about giving a fake amount because it can be construed as unethical .

  11. 据说,一家获准为奥运会生产50种不同商品的深圳公司,用虚假工资条蒙骗前去检查薪水和用工条件的检查员。

    A Shenzhen company , licensed to produce 50 different items for the games , was said to have used fake salary slips to dupe inspectors sent to check wages and conditions .

  12. 你看这张工资支票由一条线分成两部分。

    You see , this pay check is divided into two parts by a line of dots .

  13. •42家工厂存在工资发放问题,其中包括拖欠、未向员工提供工资条等。

    • 42 facilities had payment practice violations , including delayed payment for employees ' wages and no pay slips provided to employees .

  14. 某银行原有的工资管理系统,基本能够完成由用户设置工资项目、录入和查询工资数据、打印工资条等统计功能。

    The current wage management system which set by users can complete the project , salary data input and query , print pay slips , and other statistical functions .