
rì ɡōnɡ zī
  • day rate
  1. 亨利福特(henryford)在1914年引入了日工资5美元的机制,以便他手下的工人有能力购买自己制造的汽车。

    In 1914 , Henry Ford introduced a daily wage of $ 5 so that his workers could afford to buy the cars they built .

  2. 过去10年,中国制造业在世人眼中的形象发生了翻天覆地的变化,那个日工资按美分计算的血汗工厂,现在是唯一有能力生产数百万台iPad的高科技产品制造基地。

    Over the last decade China 's manufacturing industry has undergone a huge shift in popular perception , from the home of sweatshops and wages measured in cents per day to the only high-tech powerhouse capable of producing iPads by the million .

  3. 她的日工资仅够她的交通费。

    Her daily wages barely covered her travel costs .

  4. 日工资约为两美元。

    Daily wage rates were around two dollars .

  5. 即使如此,我们希望雇主不应该利用法例的灰色地带,在饭钟钱和休息日工资巧立名目,侵损雇员的利益。

    We hope they will not make use of any grey area in the ordinance to come up with any pretext for cutting their paid meal hours or days off .

  6. NathanBurrell说许多Agogo农民日平均工资在一美元以下。

    Nathan Burrell says many of the farmers in Agogo earn less than a dollar a day .

  7. 发薪日发放工资或薪水的日子。

    The time of such payment .

  8. 一国要想快速恢复竞争力、而非在十年甚至更长的调整期里勉强度日,工资水平就必须下降。

    To regain competitiveness quickly , rather than eke out adjustment over a decade or more , wages need to fall .

  9. 发薪日发放工资或薪水的日子(公司员工的)薪水总额。

    The time of such payment . total amount of wages and salaries ( to be paid to the employees of a company )

  10. 有一回,我落到了一个可怜的穷苦妇人的手上。她是靠每天辛勤操劳,作为一日的工资挣到我的。

    At length I was paid away to a poor old woman , who received me as wages for a hard day 's work .

  11. 去年12月23日,延长工资税消减法案得以通过,连一次唱名表决都没有。

    The measure passed on December 23rd without so much as a roll-call vote .

  12. 雇员一年内之病假未超过三十日部分,工资折半发给。

    For ordInary sick leave not exceedIng thirty ( 30 ) days In one year , the Employee shall be entitled to half pay .

  13. 他在夜间和星期日工作以补贴工资的不足。

    He eked out his wages by working evenings and Sundays .

  14. 你能获得相当于普通工作日3倍的工资。

    You can earn three times as much wage as common working day .

  15. 从价值取向看美、英、日三国高校教师工资制度改革

    Value Oriented View on the Reform of University Teacher 's Salary System in America , Japan and Britain

  16. 广东省规定发薪日《广东省工资支付条例(征求意见稿)》正在公开征求意见。

    Guangdong to set pay day Guangdong has published a draft on salary payment regulations to solicit public opinions .

  17. 当这家全球最大的电子产品代工制造商表示,从7月1日起员工最低工资将上调30%之后,一些分析师下调了鸿海的评级。

    Some analysts had downgraded Hon Hai after the world 's biggest contract electronics maker said it would increase the minimum wages of its workers by 30 per cent from July 1 .

  18. 中日投资促进委员会星期日双倍计时工资

    China-Japan Investment Promotion Committee Double-time for Sunday

  19. 结果表明,日本对华直接投资的主要影响因素包括中国市场容量、中日双边贸易、实际汇率和中日实际工资差异。

    The data regression reveals that the main determinants for Japan 's FDI to China includes the market content of China , the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade , the real exchange rate and the Sino-Japanese real wage differential .