
  • 网络Nissan;Nissan Motor;nissan motor co
  1. 1999年,雷诺做了一项长期并购投资,收购了当时境况不佳的日产汽车(Nissan)36.8%的股份。

    Renault made a longer-lasting acquisition in 1999 when it acquired 36.8 % of then-struggling Nissan .

  2. 而最近,戴姆勒(Daimler)、福特(Ford)和日产汽车(Nissan)也于1月28日共同宣布结盟,四家公司将在2017年之前推出一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    More recently , Daimler , Ford ( f ) , and Nissan one-upped the pair , announcing on January 28 that , together , they would bring a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle to market by 2017 .

  3. 1981年,新型的日产汽车平均每升汽油能跑13千米。

    New Japanese cars averaged 13 km to the litre in 1981

  4. 9月27日,日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)暂停了在华乘用车的生产。

    Nissan Motor Co. suspended output of passenger cars in China on Sept. 27 .

  5. 他成名于雷诺公司拥有43%股权的日产汽车公司(NissanMotors)。

    He distinguished himself at Nissan motors , which is 43 % owned by Renault .

  6. 今年截至目前,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)、丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)和日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)在中国市场的占有率均有所下滑。

    General Motors Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. have all seen their China market share shrink so far this year .

  7. 日产汽车(Nissan)已经表示将于2020年销售无人驾驶汽车。

    Nissan has said it will sell a driverless car by 2020 .

  8. 事实上,只有靠电池驱动的聆风(Leaf)能代表日产汽车,而这块业务与其说是生意,不如说是爱好来得更恰当。

    In fact , it is difficult to think of any vehicle that symbolizes Nissan except for the battery-powered leaf , and that is more a hobby than a business .

  9. 与此同时,其它豪车生产商也在扩大在华业务,拥有英菲尼迪(Infiniti)品牌的日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)也是其中一员。

    Meanwhile , other luxury-car makers are expanding their operations in China , including Nissan Motor Co. with its Infiniti brand .

  10. 其他大型汽车制造商同样也宣布一季度在华销售业绩强劲,比如日本的日产汽车(Nissan)。

    Other big producers , like Japanese rival Nissan Motor Co. , also reported strong first-quarter sales .

  11. 比如,日产汽车(NissanMotorCo。)就没有参加今年的底特律车展,并计划缺席法兰克福车展,但却大张旗鼓地参加了上海车展。

    Nissan Motor Co. , for example , skipped this year 's Detroit show and plans to be absent from Frankfurt 's but is making a splash in Shanghai .

  12. 去年11月日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.,7201.TO)在墨西哥开设第三家工厂,此举预计将减少日产汽车从日本出口的汽车数量。

    In November , Nissan Motor Co. opened its third plant in Mexico , a move that is expected to reduce the firm 's auto exports from Japan .

  13. 问问日产汽车(Nissan)就知道了,它为了打造英菲尼迪(Infiniti)已奋斗了将近30年。

    Ask Nissan , which has struggled for nearly 30 years with Infiniti .

  14. 日产汽车公司(Nissan)的改款面包车赢得竞争,从2013年开始将成为纽约市出租车的指定车型时,这家公司曾经兴奋不已。

    Nissan was pumped when its modified van won a competition to be named New York City 's official taxi beginning in2013 .

  15. 随着中型家轿市场的竞争愈演愈烈,日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)希望新款天籁(Altima)能成为手中的终极武器,借此与头号竞争对手丰田(Toyota)一较高下。

    Nissan Motor Co. is betting its new altima will be the ultimate weapon in its battle to top rival Toyota in the hard-fought market for family sedans .

  16. 由于将重点放在低油耗的小型车和摩托车上,而这些车型的销量跌幅小于较大车型,本田抵御本轮衰退的表现要胜于竞争对手丰田汽车(toyotamotor)和日产汽车(nissanmotor)。

    Honda has weathered the recession better than rivals Toyota Motor and Nissan Motor thanks to its focus on small , fuel-efficient cars and motorcycles , sales of which have fallen less sharply than those of larger cars .

  17. 日产汽车公司(NissanMotor)昨天宣布,将裁员2万人,占其全球员工总数的9%,从而成为日本第四家对今年盈利不抱希望的大型汽车制造商。

    Nissan Motor said yesterday it would eliminate 20,000 jobs , or 9 per cent of its global workforce , as it became the fourth big Japanese carmaker to abandon hopes of earning a profit this year .

  18. 例如,日产汽车(NissanMotor)最近成为第一家宣布在北京成立设计工作室的日本汽车制造商。该公司希望此举有助于设计出更能赢得中国司机青睐的车型。

    Nissan Motor , for example , recently became the first Japanese carmaker to announce plans to establish a design studio in Beijing , which it hopes will help it design cars that better appeal to Chinese drivers .

  19. 据该产品45岁的发明者吴昌俊(音译)透露,这款橡皮筋手织机在多家零售店已经卖出了100万件左右。不久之前,吴昌俊还是底特律日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)的一名资深碰撞试验工程师。

    Already , a million or so of the rubber-band hand looms have sold through various outlets , according to Cheong-Choon Ng , the product 's 45-year-old inventor , who until recently was a senior crash-test engineer for Nissan Motor Co. ( NSANY ) , in Detroit .

  20. 日产汽车(NissanMotors)和中国东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)的合资品牌启辰(Venucia)一季度的销量达到10487辆,只略低于日产汽车人气SUV逍客(Qashqai)的销量。

    Nissan Motors and partner Dongfeng sold 10487 of their joint brand Venucia in the first three months of this year -- just slightly less than sales of Nissan 's popular Qashqai SUV .

  21. 英菲尼迪(Infiniti)新款Q50轿车旨在替代日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCorp.)高端的G系列车型,宣称其在行业内率先使用了所谓的线控转向系统(steer-by-wiresystem),将转向过程中的机械环节全部替换为电子系统。

    Infiniti 's new Q50 sedan -- which replaces the current G series in the Nissan Motor Corp. luxury brand 's lineup -- boasts the industry 's first so-called steer-by-wire system , which swaps out those mechanical elements with an all-electronic system .

  22. 然而,包括日产汽车副董事长志贺俊之(ToshiyukiShiga)在内的一些高管质疑,日本汽车行业是否有理由继续制造仅在日本销售的微型车。

    Still , some executives , such as Nissan Vice Chairman Toshiyuki Shiga , question whether it makes sense for the industry to keep making minicars that are only sold in Japan . '

  23. 在研究涉及的市场中,女性只占公司董事会6%的席位,而在欧洲和美国的比例分别为17%和15%。2008年,日本日产汽车(Nissan)提拔林文子(FumikoHayashi)担任汽车销售主管。

    Women accounted for only 6 % of seats on corporate boards in the markets studied , compared with 17 % in Europe and 15 % in the U.S. In 2008 , Japanese company Nissan promoted Fumiko Hayashi to head of auto sales .

  24. 该厂日产汽车一百多辆。

    The factory turns out more than one hundred cars daily .

  25. 日产汽车起动机常见故障诊断与检修

    Location and Repair of Common Troubles of Nissan Starters

  26. 日产汽车液压主动悬架技术

    Hydraulic Active Suspension Techniques for Nissan Motor Vehicle

  27. 三菱汽车旨在制造廉价的汽车基于与日产汽车公司联合开发的小型汽车。

    Mitsubishi Motors aims to manufacture low-priced vehicles based on minicars jointly developed with Nissan Motor Co.

  28. 他有一辆日产汽车。

    He has a Japanese car .

  29. 雷诺与日产汽车形成交叉持股联盟已有11年之久,它早已表示希望增加第三家合作伙伴。

    Renault has an 11-year-old cross-shareholding alliance with Nissan and has long spoken of adding a third partner .

  30. 近日,日产汽车公司承认在其位于日本的大部分工厂内发现了汽车尾气排放测试的伪造数据。

    Nissan has admitted that it has uncovered falsified data from car exhaust emissions tests at most of its Japanese factories .