
  • 网络JIS;Japanese industry standard;Japanese Industrial Standard
  1. 标准化工作的第一份提案会提交给日本工业标准委员会(JapaneseIndustrialStandardsCommittee),下一步再提交给ISO,使之成为国际标准。

    The first proposal for standardization will be to the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee and in a further step to the ISO , to become an international standard .

  2. 同时,对国际标准分类法,中国标准分类法,日本工业标准分类法也作了简要的说明。

    International standards classification , China standards classification and Japanese industrial standards classification were presented briefly .

  3. 试验表明,在现有的工艺参数下,该点焊接头的剪切强度满足设计标准和日本工业标准,焊核组织和成分较纯净,焊点的塑性较好。

    The results show that the spot welding joint with existing welding technical parameter satisfies design standards and the shear strength requirement of Japanese Industrial Standards ( JIS ), the extraneous composition of the welding joint nuggets is lower and the spot welding joint has a better plastic capability .

  4. Cr-Mo系列齿轮钢是我国为适应汽车工业发展的需要,从日本钢铁工业标准JIS中引进的高标准汽车齿轮用钢。

    Cr-Mo Gear steel is top grade steel imported from Japanese standard JIS for development of automobiles in our country .

  5. 在设定密度为0.45g/m~3和0.5g/cm~3的条件下,3:4的ISO/UF的稻壳-木材复合材料的物理力学性能均达到日本刨花板工业标准(JISA5908)的要求。

    Under the given densities of 0.45g / m ~ 3 and 0.5g / cm ~ 3 , the physical and mechanical properties of rice husk / wood composite bonded with 3:4 of ISO / UF met the requirement of JIS A 5908 standard .

  6. 日本造船工业标准协会

    Nippon Shipbuilding Standard Association

  7. 关于日本风险管理体系工业标准的制定

    Establishment of Industrial Standard for Risk Management System in Japan

  8. JISZ3198是关于无铅钎料及其接合部性能测试的工业标准,由日本焊接协会提出初始提案,经日本工业标准调查会审议,最终由日本经济产业省于2003年6月20日并发布。

    JIS Z 3198 is an industry standard about test method for lead-free solders and their joints . This standard was proposed initially by Welding Society of Japan , and reviewed by Council of Japan Industry Standard .