
  • 网络Nissan;Nissan Motor;NSANY;nissan motor co
  1. 日产汽车公司(Nissan)的改款面包车赢得竞争,从2013年开始将成为纽约市出租车的指定车型时,这家公司曾经兴奋不已。

    Nissan was pumped when its modified van won a competition to be named New York City 's official taxi beginning in2013 .

  2. 随着中型家轿市场的竞争愈演愈烈,日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)希望新款天籁(Altima)能成为手中的终极武器,借此与头号竞争对手丰田(Toyota)一较高下。

    Nissan Motor Co. is betting its new altima will be the ultimate weapon in its battle to top rival Toyota in the hard-fought market for family sedans .

  3. 他成名于雷诺公司拥有43%股权的日产汽车公司(NissanMotors)。

    He distinguished himself at Nissan motors , which is 43 % owned by Renault .

  4. 日产汽车公司(NissanMotor)昨天宣布,将裁员2万人,占其全球员工总数的9%,从而成为日本第四家对今年盈利不抱希望的大型汽车制造商。

    Nissan Motor said yesterday it would eliminate 20,000 jobs , or 9 per cent of its global workforce , as it became the fourth big Japanese carmaker to abandon hopes of earning a profit this year .

  5. 据该产品45岁的发明者吴昌俊(音译)透露,这款橡皮筋手织机在多家零售店已经卖出了100万件左右。不久之前,吴昌俊还是底特律日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)的一名资深碰撞试验工程师。

    Already , a million or so of the rubber-band hand looms have sold through various outlets , according to Cheong-Choon Ng , the product 's 45-year-old inventor , who until recently was a senior crash-test engineer for Nissan Motor Co. ( NSANY ) , in Detroit .

  6. 英菲尼迪(Infiniti)新款Q50轿车旨在替代日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCorp.)高端的G系列车型,宣称其在行业内率先使用了所谓的线控转向系统(steer-by-wiresystem),将转向过程中的机械环节全部替换为电子系统。

    Infiniti 's new Q50 sedan -- which replaces the current G series in the Nissan Motor Corp. luxury brand 's lineup -- boasts the industry 's first so-called steer-by-wire system , which swaps out those mechanical elements with an all-electronic system .

  7. 三菱汽车旨在制造廉价的汽车基于与日产汽车公司联合开发的小型汽车。

    Mitsubishi Motors aims to manufacture low-priced vehicles based on minicars jointly developed with Nissan Motor Co.

  8. 近日,日产汽车公司承认在其位于日本的大部分工厂内发现了汽车尾气排放测试的伪造数据。

    Nissan has admitted that it has uncovered falsified data from car exhaust emissions tests at most of its Japanese factories .

  9. 日产汽车公司星期天说,它的五个工厂将于星期四恢复生产零部件。只要供应持续不断,日产还将恢复制造整车。

    Nissan Motor Company said Sunday it will resume auto parts production Thursday at five of its plants and will resume vehicle production as long as supplies last .

  10. 10年前,为拯救日产,雷诺汽车公司(RenaultAG)购买了日产的大量股份,之后,卡洛斯•戈恩接手日产,出任首席执行官。

    Perceptions have changed steadily during the tenure of Carlos Ghosn , who took over as chief executive officer more than a decade ago when Renault Ag bought a major stake in the automaker as part of a rescue effort .

  11. 作者希望通过本文的研究,一方面为广东日产汽车贸易有限公司客户关系管理优化提供理论指导;另一方面也为国内汽车销售企业客户关系管理理论研究和实际应用提供参考。

    From the research in this paper , it can help providing theoretical guidance to optimize CRM for Guangdong Nissan Trade Co. , LTD , and giving reference for the theory and application of CRM in domestic automobile sale enterprises on the other hand .