
  • 网络Saab;Saab Automobile
  1. 通用汽车公司以大约4亿美元的价格购得了萨博汽车公司50%的股份。

    General Motors acquired a 50 % stake in Saab for about $ 400m

  2. 萨博汽车的经销商目前正推出高档样品车无人陪同的24小时试驾活动。

    Saab dealers are currently giving away unaccompanied 24-hour test drives in posh demonstrator models .

  3. 在拯救另一家瑞典汽车制造商萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)、使其免于倒闭的过程中,中国公司也发挥着核心作用。

    Chinese companies are also at the heart of efforts to save Saab Automobile , another Swedish carmaker , from collapse .

  4. 寻求资金救急的萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)正将目光投向中国,此前挽救这家困境中的瑞典汽车制造商的尝试遭遇了新的障碍。

    Saab Automobile is looking to China for a financial lifeline after efforts to save the struggling Swedish carmaker hit a fresh stumbling block .

  5. 瑞典汽车制造商萨博汽车(saabautomobile)被一家中日合资企业收购,将转型生产电动汽车,主打亚洲市场。

    Swedish carmaker Saab automobilehas been bought by a Chinese-Japanese group and will be turned into a manufacturer of electric vehicles focused on the Asian markets .

  6. 萨博汽车(SaabAutomobiles)申请破产的消息一如既往地引发震动,人们先是捶胸顿足,随后开始相互攻击、指责。

    The news that Saab automobiles filed for bankruptcy has spurred the usual round of breast-beating , finger-pointing , and name calling .

  7. 三投标人从三个不同的国家被认为最有可能的买家萨博汽车,据不具名消息来源与萨博的主人,通用汽车(GM)。

    Three bidders from three different countries are said to be the most likely buyers for Saab Automobile , according to an unnamed source with Saab 's owner , General Motors ( GM ) .

  8. 瑞典的萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)将迎来通用汽车(GM)的“死缓”判决,因为这家美国汽车制造商已接近完成向荷兰世爵汽车(SpykerCars)出售其萨博业务的交易。

    Saab Automobile is set to win a stay of execution from General Motors as the US carmaker closes in on a deal to sell its Swedish unit to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .

  9. 萨博汽车公司(Saab)的新主人没能顺利加速“起飞”并不让人意外,但这着实让世界各地的车迷痛心不已,他们深爱萨博的个性和鲜明外形。

    The failure of Saab 's new owners to gain take-off speed isn 't unexpected , but it pains car lovers everywhere who admired Saabs for their individuality and pluckiness .

  10. 庞达汽车公司于是就接管了萨博汽车。

    Pang Da Automobile agreed to take an equity stake in the company .

  11. 获得;购得通用汽车公司以大约4亿美元的价格购得了萨博汽车公司50%的股份。

    General Motors acquired a 50 % stake in Saab for about $ 400m .

  12. 一些分析人士怀疑韩德胜未能售出瑞典的萨博汽车公司可能迫使董事会下了逐客令。

    Some analysts wondered if Henderson 's inability to sell Swedish unit Saab may have forced the board to show him the door .

  13. 又有哪个欧盟国家是平等对待外国投资的呢?很多年前,当时日本想要买萨博汽车,瑞典法庭禁止了这项采购。

    Which EU country treat foreign investment equally ? Years ago when Japanese wanted to buy Saab , the Sweden court banned the purchase .

  14. 沃尔沃被一个国外所有者(福特)转手给另一个(浙江吉利股份公司),萨博汽车公司则宣布破产。

    Volvo has been passed from one foreign owner ( Ford ) to another ( the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group ) , and Saab Automobile has collapsed .

  15. 不幸的是,这宗收购久拖不决,已带来各种风险和不确定因素,阻碍我们成功实施新的萨博汽车商业计划,该公司说。

    Unfortunately , delays in closing this acquisition have resulted in risks and uncertainties that prevent us from successfully implementing the new Saab Automobile business plan , the company said .

  16. 除了一家经销合资企业外,庞大和世爵还将寻求与另一家中国汽车制造商达成协议,帮助它们在华建立一家生产萨博品牌汽车的合资制造企业。

    In addition to a distribution joint venture , Pang DA and Spyker will seek a deal with another Chinese carmaker to help them establish a manufacturing joint venture in China for saab-branded vehicles .

  17. 萨博使用通用汽车的技术,生产旗舰产品9-5等轿车。通用汽车也很担心萨博将其知识产权转移给中国的第三方。

    Saab built cars such as its flagship 9-5 based on GM technology , and the US carmaker was also nervous about having its intellectual property transferred to third parties in China .

  18. 通用汽车执行长瓦格纳在电话会议上表示,任何买方萨博能够获得通用汽车公司的技术。

    GM 's Chief Executive Rick Wagoner said on a conference call that any buyer of Saab could have access to GM technology .

  19. 对于庞大注资萨博,我之前在博客已经说过,也在此最后一次强调我的观点:不管是庞大还是华泰,抑或是其他中国汽车公司,都不应该投资萨博或者世爵汽车。

    I have said before and will repeat it here for what I hope will be the very last time : Pangda , Hawtai or any other automotive company in China should not invest in SAAB , or in Spyker .