
  • 网络somerset;Somerset County;Somerset,NJ;somersetshire
  1. 他的遗愿是把他安葬在家乡萨默塞特郡附近的教堂里。

    His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home .

  2. 他们俩初次相识是在上世纪70年代就读于国王学院陶顿中学(King'sCollegeTaunton)之时,陶顿中学是一所位于英格兰萨默塞特郡的私立学校。

    The two men first met each other in the 1970s while students at King 's College Taunton , a private school in the western English county of Somerset .

  3. 英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)宣布,两家中国国有企业将在160亿英镑的萨默塞特郡欣克利角核电厂项目中持有最高达40%的股份。

    George Osborne , the chancellor , has announced that two Chinese state-owned companies would take up to 40 per cent in the planned £ 16bn Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in Somerset .

  4. 萨默塞特郡Martock市罗恩谢泼德,66岁,第一次步入婚礼殿堂是在47年前,结过8次婚,有8个孩子,13个孙子和4个曾孙。

    Ron Sheppard , 66 , from Martock , Somerset , first walked down the aisle 47 years ago and has since married eight times , had eight children and welcomed 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren .

  5. 罗恩谢泼德,66岁,萨默塞特郡人,第一次步入婚礼殿堂是在47年前

    Ron Sheppard , 66 , from Somerset , first walked down the aisle 47 years ago

  6. 来自萨默塞特郡陶顿市的21岁劳拉•莫罗德夺冠,她称参加比赛让她重拾信心,更加积极的生活。

    The21-year-old girl , Laura Morrod from Tauton , Somerset won the title who said taking part made her a positive people again .

  7. 73岁的约翰•朗在萨默塞特郡卡汉普顿的回收区发现了这个废弃的电话亭,之后花费数月时间把它打造成了卫生间。

    John Long , 73 , spent months converting the cubicle into a loo after finding the disused box in a reclamation yard in Carhampton , Somerset .

  8. 37的吉米上周在自己的烹饪频道宣布这个消息,在视频中他极力赞扬来自萨默塞特郡沃尔的巴里。

    Jamie , 37 , announced the news in a video on his YouTube channel last week , singing the praises of enthusiastic Barry , from Worle , Somerset .

  9. 英国西南部,包括康沃尔郡、德文郡和萨默塞特郡。未来这桩案子将移交给南沃克王冠法庭,雷诺尔德还处于关押中。

    The southwest of England ( including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset ) . The case was committed to Southwark crown court at a future date and Reynolds was remanded in custody .

  10. 这款便携式动能充电器本周五将在英国萨默塞特郡举行的“格拉斯顿伯里音乐节”上展出测试,该音乐节是全世界最大的户外音乐与艺术盛典。

    The portable kinetic energy chargers will be given a test run at this years Glastonbury Festival , the worlds biggest greenfield music and arts celebration that begins on a farm in Somerset on Friday .

  11. 玛丽安欣喜异常地告诉她,威洛比送给她一匹马。这匹马是他在他萨默塞特郡的庄园里亲自喂养的,正好供女人骑用。

    Marianne told her , with the greatest delight , that Willoughby had given her a horse , one that he had bred himself on his estate in Somersetshire , and which was exactly calculated to carry a woman .

  12. 来自萨默塞特郡陶顿的退休推销员约翰•朗在电话亭中安装了一个陶瓷马桶、一个洗手盆、一个高位水箱、磨砂玻璃板、和一个热水器,此外还在冲水绳的末端系了一个红色网球。

    The retired salesman , from Taunton , Somerset , fitted the telephone box with a porcelain lavatory pan , hand basin , high-level cistern , frosted glass panes , a heater and a red tennis ball on the end of the lavatory chain .

  13. 我们可以说巴黎的热浪(2003年夏天造成约3000人死亡,去年又造成700人死亡)或者2013/14年冬天英格兰西南部萨默塞特郡的洪水是气候变化的直接后果吗?

    Can we say that a heatwave in Paris - as occurred in the summer of 2003 killing some 3000 people , and again last year , killing another 700 or floods on the Somerset levels in southwest England as in the winter of 2013 / 14 are the direct consequence of climate change ?