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  • Puritan
清教徒 [qīng jiào tú]
  • [Puritan] 16和17世纪英国新教的教徒的一派,要求清除教会中天主教的残余影响,废除繁琐的宗教仪式,反对奢侈生活,鼓吹圣经规定的道德标准

清教徒[qīng jiào tú]
  1. 保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。

    Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him .

  2. 贝科夫已经忘记了马利宁是个清教徒式的人物。

    Bykov had forgotten that Malinin was something of a puritan

  3. 我有着清教徒般严谨的一面。

    There 's a puritanical side to me

  4. 依照二十年代流行的指责来说,清教徒是郁郁寡欢的伪君子。

    The puritans , according to the familiar accusations of the1920s , were joyless hypocrites .

  5. 在收购Instagram之前,Facebook一直采取清教徒式的态度。

    Until Instagram , Facebook had taken the puritan approach .

  6. Chandler,你还在抵制所有清教徒的节日吗?

    Monica : And I assume , Chandler , you are still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays .

  7. 由钟马田和穆雷(IainMurray)成立,为了保存改革宗,清教徒的作品。

    Established by Lloyd-Jones and Iain Murray for the preservation of reformed , Puritan writings .

  8. 但是一些清教徒式的黑客成为了治安专员,想要搞垮LulzSec。

    But some more puritanical hackers have turned vigilante , trying to disrupt LulzSec .

  9. 他认为荷兰人的想法源于17世纪80年代的英国,英国的清教徒和贵格会(Quaker)信徒等新教激进分子提出了这些想法。

    He carried Dutch ideas back to England in the 1680s , where Protestant radicals like the Puritans and Quakers picked them up .

  10. 我们的教科书是如此描述的:1620年英国清教徒搭乘“五月花”号船抵达“普利茅斯圣岩”(PlymouthRock),由于没有为严冬做好足够的准备,友好的当地人对他们施以援手,为他们提供食物并教授他们如何种植玉米。

    Here 's the lie : Pilgrims on the Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 . Unprepared for the harsh winter , they were saved by the friendly natives , who gave them food and taught them how to plant corn .

  11. 有证据表明,这些清教徒原本就已经知道这里曾爆发过瘟疫,正是由于这样他们才选择在科德角(CapeCod)登陆。他们早就知道印第安人几近灭绝,留下大片领土和等待收割的玉米地。

    There 's also evidence that the Pilgrims already knew about the plague , and so chose Cape Cod because they knew that the Indians had already been wiped out , leaving cleared lands and corn fields ripe for the taking .

  12. 他们焦急地注意到越过这个区域的发展,该区域是可能想要模仿salaf的方法的清教徒式的运动狂热者的萨拉菲斯特运动(salafistmovement),salaf是伴随在先知的“前任”。

    They note anxiously the advance across the region of a Salafist movement of puritanical zealots who supposedly want to imitate the ways of the salaf , the " predecessors " who accompanied the prophet himself .

  13. 乔丹在他的慈善史书上提到,16世纪,一位名叫爱德华迪林(edwarddering)的著名清教徒牧师执著地反对英国伊丽莎白女王时代的济贫法律,理由是它们容易削弱富人必须为贫穷承担的道德责任。

    In the 16th century , Jordan records in his history of philanthropy , a noted Puritan divine named Edward dering consistently opposed the poor laws of Elizabethan England on the grounds that they tended to weaken the moral responsibility that wealth must bear for poverty and need .

  14. 英国内战又称为清教徒革命。

    The English Ciil War is also called the Puritan Reolution .

  15. 他在生活上过于奉行清教徒式的原则,所以不能领略跳舞的乐趣。

    He is too much of a Puritan to enjoy dancing .

  16. 在权利与义务之间,清教徒们小心地取得平衡。

    Puritans tried to strike a balance between right and responsibility .

  17. 去年1月,清教徒把查理国王送上了断头台。

    the Puritans cut King Charles 's head off last January .

  18. 清教徒相信圣经上写的都是上帝的话。

    Puritans believed that the Bible was the word of God .

  19. 身为清教徒,他们觉得过节是对耶稣的不敬。

    as Puritans they felt the holiday was disrespectful to Jesus .

  20. 他反对所接受的清教徒式的教育,这一点也不奇怪。

    It 's not surprising that he reacted against his puritanical upbringing .

  21. 然而,那些清教徒生性也有卑劣的一面。

    The Puritans , however , had a mean streak .

  22. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。

    As a Puritan , he is strict in moral and religion .

  23. 清教徒希望改变圣公会,使其更加神圣。

    The Puritans wanted to change it to make it more holy .

  24. 清教徒对旧世界及宗教迫害的反抗

    The pilgrims against the old world and religious persecution .

  25. 被一个叫阿玛斯·波莱的冷面清教徒严密看管着

    where she was guarded by the unsmiling puritan , Amyas Paulet .

  26. 她出生于一个虔诚的清教徒家庭,

    She came from a very serious , Puritan family .

  27. 你可以用手来尝试吃清教徒式的餐饮方式。

    You 'll dine Pilgrim style - with your hands .

  28. 美国马萨诸塞州一城镇,由清教徒于年建立。

    A town in Massachusetts founded by Pilgrims in 1620 .

  29. 他的放荡生活和他的清教徒教养相悖。

    His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing .

  30. 问题20:关于清教徒,说话者讲了些什么?

    Question 20 . What does the speaker say about the Puritans ?