
  • 网络Cleaner Production Audit;audit
  1. E型树脂装置清洁生产审计介绍

    Introduction of Cleaner Production Audit for E-Type Resin Plant

  2. 粘胶纤维生产的清洁生产审计实例

    Actual Case on Cleaner Production Audit of Viscose Staple Production

  3. Excel在化工企业清洁生产审计中的应用

    Application of Excel on Clean Production Audit in Chemical Industries

  4. 针对化工企业清洁生产审计的特点,通过对Excel作表、图表功能的介绍,用实例阐述了Excel在化工企业清洁生产审计中的重要作用及其广泛的应用前景。

    According to the property of clean production audit in chemical industries , it stated the excel function of its work table . Through example , this paper indicated important effect and the application foreground of excel on clean production in Chemical Industries .

  5. 可为清洁生产审计和环评工作提供判据和参考;

    Can provide criterion and reference for CP audit and environmental assessment ;

  6. 实施清洁生产审计巩固企业贯标成果

    Implement Cleaning Production Audit to Consolidate Harvest Carrying out Standards

  7. 清洁生产审计是实施清洁生产的一项有力措施。

    Cleaner production auditing is an important method for implementation of cleaner production .

  8. 清洁生产审计方案评估技术方法探讨

    Technical Study on Option Evaluation of Cleaner Production Audit

  9. 绍兴市清洁生产审计工作试点剖析

    Analysis of Experiment at Selected Point on Clean Production Auditing in Shaoxing City

  10. 清洁生产审计在井下生产作业中的应用

    The Application of Clean Production Auditing to Downhole Operation

  11. 清洁生产审计与我国出口企业的可持续发展问题研究

    Study on Cleaner Production Audit and the Sustainable Development of Exportation Enterprises in China

  12. 济南裕兴化工总厂清洁生产审计

    Cleaner Production Audit for Jinan Yuxin Chemical Plant

  13. 电镀清洁生产审计软件的研制

    Development of Audit Software for Electroplating Cleaner Production

  14. 清洁生产审计与皮革清洁生产

    Cleaner Production Audit and Leather Cleaner Production

  15. 冶金矿山清洁生产审计

    Clean Production Audit of Metallurgical Mine

  16. 电镀行业清洁生产审计

    Clean Production Audit for Electroplating Industry

  17. 中小企业清洁生产审计初步研究

    The Study about Cleaner Production Audit

  18. 扬子公司清洁生产审计

    Cleaning Production of YPC

  19. 并根据沈阳市清洁生产审计工作的实践,提出实施清洁生产的主要办法与途径。

    The methods to implement clean production are put forwarded according to the practice of clean production in Shenyang .

  20. 同时,在分析清洁生产审计与环境管理体系审计的异同的基础上,提出了出口企业清洁生产审计的适用模式。

    Meanwhile , a suitable CPA pattern was established for enterprises after comparing CPA with environmental management system audit .

  21. 清洁生产审计方案评估是对已获得的清洁生产方案作出科学的、系统的和全面的评估。

    The option evaluation of the cleaner production audit is to evaluate the obtained cleaner production options scientifically , systematically and wholly .

  22. 提出了在环境影响评价、清洁生产审计和区域清洁生产领域中的清洁生产评价方法和工作程序;

    Put forward the method of application and process of CP assessment on environmental impact assessment , CP audit and CP in rejoin ;

  23. 由于工业污染是导致全球资源枯竭和生态破坏的主要来源,因而进行清洁生产审计、有效地治理工业污染,是实现经济和环境协调持续发展的重要手段。

    And because industrial pollution is the main source of pollution , it is an important tool to realize the sustainable development of economy and environment .

  24. 文章对清洁生产审计方案评估技术方法进行了探讨,提出的清洁生产审计方案评估技术方法包括方案分类评价、方案筛选和可行性分析等内容。

    This paper studied and proposed the technical procedure on the option evaluation of the cleaner production audit , the technical procedure consisted of option category assessment , option screening and feasibility analyses .

  25. 根据生产数据和实测参数,通过工程分析和物料平衡,计算确定生产过程中物料流向和污染源强,为清洁生产审计、污染防治对策提供依据。

    On the basis of chemical production data and determination parameters , the matter flowing direction and pollution source strength of chemical production courses were calculated and defined by engineering analysis and matter balance . And the foundation for cleaner production audits , pollution prevention and control countermeasures were provided .

  26. 利用生命周期评价思想对企业的生产过程进行全面分析与评价,做好企业清洁生产的审计工作。

    It suggested to analyze and to assess production process of enterprise using LCA , and to make cleaner production audit of enterprise better .

  27. 通过对工业企业清洁生产的审计验收,取得了较好的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。

    The good benefits of economy , society and environment were gained through auditing , checking and accepting procedures to clean production at Haimen industries .

  28. 通过对绍兴市清洁生产示范项目试点企业的清洁生产审计方法,程序及初步成果的剖析,说明了采用清洁生产审计,进行污染预防,是企业实现经济与环境双重效益的最佳途径。

    The article analyzed the method , procedure and results of clean production auditing on experiment at selected enterprise demonstrating in Shaoxing city .

  29. 对绍兴市清洁生产示范项目的试点企业清洁生产审计方法、程序及初步成果作了系统的分析。

    The paper analysed the methods , procedures and main results of clean production audit for experimental unit enterprises of clean production demonstration in Shaoxing City .

  30. 长庆石油勘探局于2003年在多个生产作业领域开展了清洁生产审核试点工作,文中对井下作业试油A队的清洁生产审计工作进行了分析和阐述。

    The clean production auditing test of downhole operation in Changqing Oilfield is described .