- Compulsory audit;forced audit

All financial transactions must provide traceability and tamper proof mechanisms for mandatory audit records . ( Sarbanes Oxley )
In recent years , Chinese capital market develops rapidly , all kinds of systems continue to become mature , with the introduction of the mandatory audit requirement , engaging an accounting firm for audit service becomes an necessary link of the listed company .
Do you perceive mandatory audit firm rotation will increase the auditor independence ?
To prevent an extended period of buffering , DB2 forces the writing of the audit records regularly .
Research into Independence of Auditing : Forced Rotation
The Literature Review of Studies on Relativity Between Mandatory Auditor Rotation and Audit Quality
Therefore , in general the disclosure of audit fees has improved the audit environment in China .
Regulated Changes in Audit Fee Disclosure and Improvement of Audit Environment : Evidence from China 's Auditing Market
Internal control evaluation and auditing standards in Britain , Canada and the European Union , while not mandatory for the audit , but also provides the CPA to provide limited review for the internal audit reports .
The final step is a way to help enforce the names of the audit fields and to ensure that the database entities have those fields .
Based on a preliminary comparison between audit results before and after the mandatory rotation , very limited effect of the mandatory rule is expected on substantially enhancing the accounting firm disclosing financial reporting problems of listed companies .
The contributions of this paper are as follows : Firstly , this paper uses accounting conservatism to measure audit quality , and investigate the influence of audit tenure and mandatory audit rotation on audit quality from the perspective of CPA tenure and CPA mandatory rotation .