
  • 网络Mandatory Information Disclosure;mandatory disclosure of information
  1. 在这一部分当中,首先将强制性信息披露与自愿性信息披露进行比较,明确了自愿性披露的定义。

    Among this part , mandatory disclosure of information and voluntary disclosure of information are compared with firstly .

  2. 我国直到1994年起才出现信息披露方面的文献,经过十多年的发展,信息披露制度建设、强制性信息披露、自愿性信息披露、分布信息披露等领域从理论到实证都有了较快的发展。

    Until 1994 , our country appeared the research of information disclosure . After ten years of development , the construction information disclosure system , the mandatory disclosure of information , voluntary disclosure of information , and distributed disclosure of information had a rapid development in theory and demonstration areas .

  3. 第三,年度报告非强制性信息披露和IFR(网络财务报告)自愿披露都不足。

    Third , non-compulsive information and internet financial report 's disclosure are insufficient .

  4. 对重大关联交易的规制,也主要是通过强制性信息披露实现的。

    And the regulation of substantive connected transaction is compulsory disclosure .

  5. 证券市场监管的一个重要方面是上市公司的强制性信息披露制度。

    Compulsive Information Disclosure is an important aspect of security market regulation .

  6. 证券市场强制性信息披露的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Compulsive Information Disclosure in Security Market

  7. 第一章从理论上分析了强制性信息披露制度存在的必要性。

    The Chapter One analyzes the necessity of Compulsive Information Disclosure theoretically .

  8. 强制性信息披露规则产生动因的法经济学分析&兼论强制性信息披露的限度

    Law-Economics Analysis of the Causes of compulsory information disclosed

  9. 第二章是最适度强制性信息披露分析。

    The Chapter Two analyzes the most optimal quantity of Compulsive Information Disclosure .

  10. 面对这种市场类型,我们应选择强制性信息披露制度。

    Facing such kind of weak market , we should select compulsory IDS .

  11. 上市公司信息披露体系包括强制性信息披露和自愿性信息披露。

    The information disclosure system of listed companies includes compulsory and voluntary information disclosure .

  12. 试论经营者的强制性信息披露义务

    The compulsive disclosure duty of business operators

  13. 论强制性信息披露的适度理性

    Proper dimension of compelled information disclosure

  14. 本文首先明确了研究使用的自愿性信息披露与强制性信息披露的划分方法。

    Firstly , the paper defines the method to differentiate voluntary information disclosure from mandatory information disclosure .

  15. 与制度驱动型的强制性信息披露不同,自愿性信息披露属动因激励型的信息披露,即自愿性信息披露是公司在内外一系列因素的激励和影响下作出的。

    Differing from mandatory disclosure driven by institution , voluntary disclosure is incentive-driven and influenced on many factors .

  16. 按照是否经过管制,信息披露分为强制性信息披露和自愿性信息披露。

    In accordance with or without regulation , information disclosure is divided into mandatory disclosure and voluntary disclosure .

  17. 内幕交易、关联交易、募股资金的使用以及董事会监管等都是信息披露的重要内容。上市公司应该执行强制性信息披露制度,按照规定及时、准确、有效地披露对公司经营产生影响的相关信息。

    Information Disclosure , Inside Dealing , Connected Transaction , use of Collected capital all need to be supervised .

  18. 以国内外股市为样本对半强式有效性进行的实证大多偏重于对公司强制性信息披露公告的选取,忽略了对公司自愿性信息披露公告的研究。

    Most literatures focus on the Mandatory Disclosure Information of Corporation , ignores the Voluntary Disclosure Information of Corporation .

  19. 对强制性信息披露项目执行情况的考察是以随机抽取的40家上市公司披露的2002年年报为研究样本,进行了分析研究,研究结果表明我国上市公司信息披露制度没有得到有效的执行。

    Through randomly selection of the annual statements in 2002 of 40 listed companies , I find that the disclosure system was not executed properly .

  20. 本文旨在从强制性信息披露的价值关联性出发,探究我国上市公司强制性信息披露的适度性。

    On the basis of the value relevance of mandatory disclosure , this paper aims to examine the moderation of mandatory disclosure in Chinese stock market .

  21. 单纯依赖市场并不能解决这一问题,但是依赖政府的强制性信息披露制度也只是众多解决办法中的一个。

    Only by market means , we can 't solve this problem . Nevertheless , forcible information disclosure system by government is but one of many solutions .

  22. 信息披露根据是否受管制分为两大方面,一种是强制性信息披露,另一种是自愿性信息披露。

    According to whether be controlled or not , information disclosure can be divided into two aspects . One is mandatory disclosure , the other is voluntary disclosure .

  23. 该部分分为两节,第一节介绍了强制性信息披露制度的理论基础,从正反两面说明了实施强制性信息披露制度的必要性。

    The first section introduces the theoretical fund of the mandatory disclosure system , and then from the positive and negative sides , elucidates the necessity of putting mandatory disclosure into practice .

  24. 在美国,萨班斯法案的出台力图通过强制性信息披露,来使内部控制置于公众监督之下,取得了一定的成效。

    In the U.S. , Sarbanes-Oxley Act sought by the introduction of mandatory information disclosure , to make the public place under the supervision of internal control , and it had achieved certain results .

  25. 自愿性信息披露是上市公司在满足强制性信息披露要求之外,为了与投资者及其他利益相关者达成有效的沟通,上市公司主动提供的关于公司价值及未来发展等方面的信息。

    Voluntary disclosure is the information about corporate value and future development of listed companies that companies take initial to provide to achieve effective communication with investors and other stakeholders in addition to mandatory disclosure .

  26. 计划法、信息生产和交易支持法、悬赏举报法、强制性信息披露制度等是其主要的克服路径。

    The main ways to overcome information failure include planning law , law of information production , law of supporting transactions of information , law of offering rewards for informants and an obligatory information-revealing system , etc.

  27. 从西方发达国家的信息披露历程来看,成熟资本市场的上市公司信息披露经历了自愿性信息披露、强制性信息披露、强制性信息披露与自愿性信息披露相结合的发展阶段。

    Looking back on the western countries ' disclosure history , the mature capital market has normally gone through three stages : voluntary disclosure , compulsory disclosure , and the combination of these two kinds of disclosure .

  28. 信息披露包括强制性信息披露和自觉性信息披露,前者以《国际会计准则》为指导,而后者则以欧洲或美国的《私募股权基金信息披露指引》为指导。

    Information Disclosure consists of obliging information disclosure and conscious information disclosure , and the former is guided by INTERNATION ACCOUNTANT RULE and the latter is guided by private equity fund information disclosure issued by Europe or America .

  29. 我国证券市场总体上强制性信息披露水平比较低,存在相当大的自愿披露空间,相信应该更适合证实自愿性信息披露对权益资本成本的影响。

    China seems to be particularly suited to identify the impact of voluntary disclosure on a firm 's implied cost of capital because listed companies in our stock market have considerable reporting discretion and the mandated disclosure level is low .

  30. 自愿性信息披露是在原有强制性信息披露的基础上为了增加市场有效性而进行补充披露,它与会计信息商品化相对,且比会计信息商品化更具可行性。

    The voluntary disclosure of business information supplements original mandatory disclosure of business information in order to increase market validity . The voluntary disclosure of business information opposes the commercialized accounting information , and the former is more feasible than the later .