
  1. 阐述了我国创业板信息披露制度的主要内容。

    The third chapter introduces the information disclosure system of our innovative board market and its primary contents .

  2. 第六部分是本文的重点内容,论述我国创业板信息披露制度的不足和完善的方向。

    The sixth part is the main content of this paper , this paper discusses the gem information disclosure system in the direction of insufficient and perfect .

  3. 第五章重点分析了创业板市场信息披露制度。

    Chapter five focuses on the information disclosure of GEM .

  4. 从创业板公司信息披露的特点不难看出,主板市场由于信息披露不够,直接影响上市公司的成长。

    The main board market has not sufficient information announcement , which makes direct influence on the development of corporation .

  5. 创业板的信息披露的频度和广度也比主板市场要大,一般要求披露季度报告。

    The disclosure of Growth Enterprise Market is more frequent and broader than the main market , and the disclosure of quarter report is generally required .

  6. 创业板市场的信息披露应比主板市场更严格,对需披露的信息的内容应能反映创业板市场及其上市公司的特点。

    Comparing with MSEM , information disclosure system on GEM is much stricter . Information disclosed can reflect character of GEM and company listed .

  7. 创业板上市公司信息披露监管的目的是为了把创业板市场的非市场性风险降到最低,把风险控制在正常的投资风险之中。

    The purpose of GEM information disclosure supervision is to make non-market risks reach a minimum , so that the risk could be controlled in a normal level .

  8. 政府应着力优化创业板上市公司的经营环境,加大对高新技术产业的扶持力度,完善创业板市场的信息披露制度,加强对企业经济活动的监管。

    Government should improve the operating environment for GEM listed companies , increase support for high-tech industries , improve the information disclosure system of the GEM market and strengthen economic activity regulation .