
  • 网络creativity;Creative;Creative Ability;inventiveness
  1. 建设一支具有创造能力的教师队伍;

    Building up contingents of teachers with creativity ;

  2. 阐述了县级石油公司适应能力和创造能力的重要性。

    The adaptability and creativity is very important for county - level sales companies .

  3. 论设计教学对学生创造能力的培养C程序设计中创新能力的培养

    On Ability fostering in Artistic Design Teaching Cultivating the Creating ability in C Pragram Design

  4. RationalMethodComposer的过程创造能力在执行定制和管理方面,提供了额外的灵活性。

    Rational Method Composer 's process authoring capability provides additional flexibility in carrying out such customization and management .

  5. 在完善公司治理结构和规范运营机制的同时,还应积极借鉴国外商业银行先进的EVA评价理论和方法,不断提高自身的经营管理效率和价值创造能力。

    In improving corporate governance structure and regulate the operation mechanism should also be actively learn from the foreign commercial banks advanced EVA evaluation theory and methods , and continuously improve their management efficiency and value creation .

  6. 数学思维在创造能力培养中的作用初探

    On the Role of Mathematical Thinking in Cultivating Students ' Creativeness

  7. 培养学生创造能力的化学课堂教学策略

    Some chemistry classroom teaching strategies for fostering students ' creative ability

  8. 这时候该展示出你的创造能力咯。

    This is the time to show how creative you are .

  9. 电子货币对商业银行信用创造能力的影响

    Influence of Electronic Money on Credit Ability of Commercial Bank

  10. 论大学生创新意识和创造能力的培养

    On Cultivation of College Students ' Innovative and Creative Consciousness

  11. 学生创造能力的培养&素质教育的核心

    The cultivation of students ' creativity & The core of ability education

  12. 有利于培养大学生良好的意志品质,(3)有助于大学生创造能力的提高。

    It is helpful to improve the college students ' creative ability .

  13. 可创造能力匮乏仍然是不容乐观的教育现状。

    Can create lack ability is still not optimistic education present situation .

  14. 组织知识创造能力分析与综合评价

    Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of the Capability of Knowledge Creating in an Organization

  15. 培养学生创造能力的若干尝试

    Several Attempts to Forster the Student 's Creative Ability

  16. 从开立圆术看数学创造能力培养

    On the Fostering of students ' Mathematics Creative Ability

  17. 问题解决的思想精髓,即强调创造能力和应用意识。

    The thinking quintessence of problem solving is creating ability and using consciousness .

  18. 这么说吧,她是好伴侣,很有创造能力。

    Well , she 's a good companion , a really creative person .

  19. 发展直觉思维提高创造能力

    TO Develop Intuitive Thoughts and the Abilities of Creation

  20. 当前的教育只培养学生考试能力,而不培养学生的创造能力。

    The current education prepares students only for examinations rather than creative ability .

  21. 我认为演戏是直觉、想象力和创造能力的混合。

    I think acting is a mixture of instinct , imagination and inventiveness .

  22. 不只看重学习能力,更重视学生的组织、创造能力。

    The American system also attaches more importance to creativity and organizational abilities .

  23. 发挥自己的创造能力也可以帮助释放幽闭的情绪。

    Releasing your creativity can help release pent-up emotions .

  24. 提高创造能力已成为未来取胜的关键。

    Developing the capability of knowledge creation has been the key for competition .

  25. 人力资源管理和企业知识创造能力

    Human Resources Management and Organization Knowledge Creation Capability

  26. 努力在数学教学中培养学生创造能力

    Focusing on Students ' Creativity in Teaching Mathematics

  27. 问题意识是培养创新能力和创造能力的前提和关键,努力培养学生问题意识已成为我国教育理论与实践中关注的焦点之一。

    And the key of innovation and creativity education is to develop problem awareness .

  28. 我们必须意识到培养学生创造能力的迫切性。

    We must be aware of the urgency to cultivate students ' creative ability .

  29. 教学中注重培养学生的创造能力

    Train of Students ′ Creative Ability in Teaching

  30. 学生创造性精神和创造能力培养的途径

    The Ways of the Development of the Students ' Spirit and Ability of Innovation